(유럽/터키) 자살하려는 남자 구한 터키 대통령국제문제/유럽 2015. 12. 28. 19:18
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35178873 Turkey President Erdogan 'talks man out of suicide'25 December 2015 Local media claim the man had contemplated suicide because of 'family problems'. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan talked a man out of jumping off a bridge in Istanbul, his office says. The man had climbed over a railing on the Bosphorus bridge linking..
(남미) 죽어가는 코코넛 팜을 살리기 위한 안티구아의 노력국제문제/남미 2015. 12. 28. 18:56
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-35162395 Dying off: Antigua's struggle to save the coconut palmBy Gemma HandySt John's, Antigua and Barbuda27 December 2015 From the sectionLatin America & CaribbeanImage copyrightGemma HandyImage captionThe image of healthy palms on Antigua is one that is increasingly less commonWhite sand beaches fringed by lofty palm trees..
(아시아/인도네시아) 감옥이었던 섬에 그냥 남기로 한 옛날 죄수들국제문제/아시아 2015. 12. 28. 18:53
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-35129415 The inmates who chose to remain on 'prison island'By Sri LestariBBC Indonesian27 December 2015 From the sectionAsiaImage captionThe prisoners were put to hard labour on Buru, clearing jungle land for paddy fields such as this one shown hereBuru Island in East Indonesia was once home to 12,000 political prisoners, suspected co..
(중국) 중국당국 위그르 문제 기사 쓴 불란서 여기자 추방국제문제/중국 2015. 12. 28. 18:49
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-35181299 China 'expels' French journalist over Uighur article26 December 2015 Ursula Gauthier: "I'm convinced they are very clearly trying to intimidate foreign press in China" China has effectively expelled a French journalist over an article she wrote that was critical of Beijing's policy towards Muslim Uighers in Xinjiang. Be..
(중동) Operation Cast Lead five years on: 'We are still demanding justice'국제문제/중동 2015. 12. 26. 23:44
출처: http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2014/01/operation-cast-lead-five-years-are-still-demanding-justice-2014188116566380.html Operation Cast Lead five years on: 'We are still demanding justice'ICC should take concrete steps to ensure justice is served for the victims of Israel's aggression in Gaza in 2008-2009.19 Jan 2014 10:22 GMT | Politics, Israel 1212 8The Isra..
(중동) 알자지라가 분석한 오슬로 협정 깨진 이유국제문제/중동 2015. 12. 26. 23:25
출처: http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2013/9/13/oslo-accords-explained.html Oslo explainedIn 1993, Israeli and Palestinian leaders signed an agreement to resolve their conflict peacefully. Why did it fail?September 13, 2013 1:55AM ETGraffiti depicting the military occupation of the Palestinian territories painted on Israel’s controversial separation wall in Bethlehem..
(미국) 미국의 예산 대부분 잡아먹는 국방비 (영문자료)국제문제/북미 2015. 12. 25. 11:36
출처: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2013/01/07/everything-chuck-hagel-needs-to-know-about-the-defense-budget-in-charts/ The Washington Post America’s staggering defense budget, in charts 차트로 보는 미국의 거대한 국방예산 (staggering: 엄청나서 충격적인, 잘 믿기지 않는) By Brad Plumer January 7, 2013 On Monday afternoon, President ..