(인문학) 美군수품 제작사 마틴매리에타(Martin Marietta Corporation)사람되기/인문학 2015. 10. 10. 09:40
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Marietta 미군수품 제작사 마틴매리에타社(Martin Marietta Corporation) IndustryManufacturingFateMerged with Lockheed CorporationPredecessorGlenn L. Martin Company American-Marietta CorporationSuccessorLockheed MartinFounded1961Defunct1995HeadquartersBethesda, MarylandThe Martin Marietta Corporation was an American compan..
(인문학) Martin Luther King의 연설 <I Have a Dream>(영문)사람되기/인문학 2015. 10. 5. 22:14
출처: http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkihaveadream.htm Martin Luther King, Jr. I Have a Dream delivered 28 August 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C. Audio Source: Linked directly to: http://www.archive.org/details/MLKDream External Link: http://www.thekingcenter.org/ I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demo..
(인문학) 하워드 진(Howard Zinn)의 미국민중사(A People's History of the United States)사람되기/인문학 2015. 9. 9. 20:55
독서 기간: 2015년 9월5일 - 10월10일 Howard Zinn 하워드 진 미국민중사 A People's History of the United States 제1권의 차례 제 1장: 콜럼버스, 인디언, 인간의 진보 제 2장: 피부색에 따른 차별 제 3장: 천하고 상스러운 신분의 사람 제 4장: 폭정은 폭정이다 제 5장: 일종의 혁명 제 6장: 친밀하게 억압당한..
(인문학) Summary and Analysis of Das Kapital by Karl Marx (영문자료)사람되기/인문학 2015. 8. 16. 15:10
출처: http://www.articlemyriad.com/summary-analysis-das-kapital-marx/ Summary and Analysis of Das Kapital by Karl MarxDas Kapital by Karl Marx was the result of nearly thirty years of work on the part of Karl Marx and his influences and protracted study of the nature of not only the capitalist economy, but also the social and historical forces that shape interactions among p..
(인문학) Karl Marx의 자본론(Das Kapital) (영문자료)사람되기/인문학 2015. 8. 16. 15:00
출처: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Das_Kapital Das KapitalCapital: Critique of Political EconomyAuthorKarl MarxOriginal titleDas Kapital, Kritik der politischen ÖkonomieCountryGermanyLanguageGerman, subsequently translated into many languagesGenreEconomicsPolitical theoryPublisherVerlag von Otto MeisnerPublication date1867, 1885, 1894TextCapital: Critique of Political ..
(인문학) 세계적 여성신학자 Chung Hyun Kyung (영문자료)사람되기/인문학 2015. 8. 10. 01:13
출처: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chung_Hyun_Kyung Chung Hyun Kyung Chung Hyun Kyung is a Korean Christian theologian. She is a lay theologian of the Presbyterian Church of Korea, and is also an Associate Professor of Ecumenical Theology at Union Theological Seminary in the U.S.A. She graduated from Ewha Women's University in Seoul with the B.A. (1979) and the M.A. (1981)...