(인문학/동영상) The Story of Mouseland: As told by Tommy Douglas in 1944사람되기/인문학 2016. 1. 23. 23:01
출처: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqgOvzUeiAA The Story of Mouseland: As told by Tommy Douglas in 1944 이하는 연설 전문 업로드된 날짜: 2009. 1. 21.It's the story of a place called Mouseland. Mouseland was a place where all the little mice lived and played, were born and died. And they lived much the same as you and I do. They even had a Parliament. And every..
(인문학) 카나다 정치인 토미 더글라스(Tommy Douglas)의 1944년 "Mouseland"연설 전문 (영문)사람되기/인문학 2016. 1. 23. 22:43
출처: http://mayor-of-mississauga.com/Mouseland_by_Tommy_Douglas.htm Tommy Douglas’ “Mouseland” Speech Historical Background: Considered the father of our universal health care 인system in Canada, Tommy Douglas was voted the Greatest Canadian ever in CBC’s competition a number of years ago. In this speech, he tries to argue that his party---the CCF---is a better opt..
(인문학) Tommy Douglas의 유명한 연설 Mouseland(쥐들의 나라) (영문자료)사람되기/인문학 2016. 1. 23. 22:29
출처: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mouseland Mouseland The Story of Mouseland was a story first told by Clarence Gillis, and later and most famously by Tommy Douglas, leader of the Saskatchewan Co-operative Commonwealth Federation that became the New Democratic Party of Canada, both social democratic parties. It was a political fable expressing the CCF's view that the Canad..
(인문학) 중동문제의 원인 밸푸어 선언 (Balfour Declaration 1917) (영문자료)사람되기/인문학 2016. 1. 21. 13:05
출처: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration 중동문제의 원인이 된 영국의 모순적인 밸푸어 선언 1917 Balfour Declaration From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNot to be confused with Balfour Declaration of 1926.Balfour DeclarationAn image of Balfour and the DeclarationCreated2 Nov 1917SignatoriesArthur James BalfourPurposeConfirming support from ..