아름다운 인생
(건강/유럽) 헝가리 소고기에서 발견된 탄저균아름다운 인생/건강 2015. 6. 4. 01:24
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-28158800 4 July 2014 Deadly anthrax disease 'discovered in Hungarian beef' The anthrax bacterium, here seen in a 2001 US defence department photo, can cause death if untreated Five people are being monitored at a Hungarian hospital after the discovery of the deadly anthrax disease in samples of beef, reports say. The five were admit..
(건강) 메르스에 대한 問&答아름다운 인생/건강 2015. 6. 4. 01:04
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/health-19699677 5 July 2013 Q&A: Mers - the new coronavirus 새로 등장한 코로나 바이러스 - 메르스에 대한 問&答 Three people have received treatment in the UK A new respiratory illness similar to the Sars virus that spread globally in 2003 and killed hundreds of people has been identified. 2003년에 전세계적으로 퍼져 ..
(건강/한국) 한국 첫 메르스 환자 2명 사망아름다운 인생/건강 2015. 6. 2. 13:46
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-32969054 7 hours ago: June 2, 2015 South Korea has first two Mers deaths 한국 첫 메르스 환자 2명 사망 Critics say South Korea has been slow to contain Mers 비판적인 사람들은 한국이 메르스를 막는데 미온적이었다고 말한다 Two people have died of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (Mers) in South Korea..
(건강) 폐암 테라피는 '이정표'아름다운 인생/건강 2015. 5. 31. 01:17
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/health-32936877 Lung cancer therapy is 'milestone' 폐암 테라피는 '이정표'By James GallagherHealth editor, BBC News website 30 May 2015 A lung cancer therapy can more than double life expectancy in some patients, a "milestone" trial shows. 폐암 테라피는 일부 환자들에게 기대수명을 두 배로 늘려줄 수 있다고, "역..
(비지니스) 컴퓨터에서 나오는 열로 난방하기아름다운 인생/비지니스 2015. 5. 22. 12:45
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-32816775 21 May 2015 Heating houses with 'nerd power' 컴퓨터에서 나오는 열로 난방하기By William KremerBBC World Service All computers produce heat, but computer servers produce a lot of heat - so much that it usually costs a fortune to cool them down. So why isn't this heat used instead to keep homes or offices warm? Actua..
(신앙) 교종 프란시스 팔레스타인 수녀 두 명 시성아름다운 인생/종교 2015. 5. 18. 01:48
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-32770385 3 hours ago: Sunday, May 17, 2015 Pope Francis canonises two Palestinian nuns 교종 프란시스 팔레스타인 출신 수녀 2명 시성 The canonisation of the two nuns is seen as a sign of the Vatican's support for the Christian communities of the Middle East 팔레스타인 수녀 두 명의 시성은 바티칸이 중..