아름다운 인생
the mystery of the Nativity(탄생의 신비)아름다운 인생/종교 2010. 1. 8. 13:36
아래는 성탄을 즈음하여 받은 카드이다. 그림과 문구와 좋아 여기 옮겨와 본다. May the contemplation of the mystery of the Nativity encourage us to open up to the Spirit of God, who is seeking to lead us to life in its fullness. 예수성탄 신비의 관상이 삶의 충만함으로 이끄시는 하느님의 성령께 우리의 마음을 열게 하소서. May Mary, ou..
Message of Pope Benedict XVI For the World Day of Peace 1 January 2010아름다운 인생/종교 2010. 1. 1. 12:31
MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE BENEDICT XVI FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE WORLD DAY OF PEACE 1 JANUARY 2010 IF YOU WANT TO CULTIVATE PEACE, PROTECT CREATION 1. At the beginning of this New Year, I wish to offer heartfelt greetings of peace to all Christian communities, international leaders, and people of good will throughout the world. For this XLIII World Day of Peace I have chosen the theme: If Yo..
Christmas Gift Suggestions아름다운 인생/종교 2009. 12. 30. 12:13
Let Us Keep Christmas Whatever else be lost among the years, Let us keep Christmas still a shining thing; Whatever doubts assail us, or what fears, Let us hold close one day, remembering It's poignant meaning for the hearts of men. Let us get back our childlike faith again. Noll Crowell Christmas gift suggestions: To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. T..