
  • (남미) 브라질 대통령 재선 승리
    국제문제/남미 2014. 10. 27. 20:22

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-29782073

    27 October 2014 Last updated at 10:04

    Brazil elections 브라질 선거: Dilma Rousseff promises reform after poll win 선거승리 후 딜마 루세프 개혁 약소

    Ms Rousseff said she wanted to be "a much better president" and promised political reform 루세프 여사는 "더 나은 대통령"이 되고 싶으며, 정치개혁을 단행할 것을 약속했다

    President Dilma Rousseff has promised to re-unite Brazil after narrowly winning re-election to a second term in office with 51.6% of the vote. 대통령 딜마 루세프는 51.6%의 득표로 두 번째 임기에 필요한 재선에서 간신히 승리를 거둔 후 브라질을 하나로 만들겠다고 약속했다.

    She said "dialogue" would be her top priority after a bitterly fought campaign against centre-right candidate Aecio Neves, who got 48.4% of the vote. 48.4%를 득표한 중도우파 후보자 아에시오 네베스와 맹렬히 싸웠던 그녀는"대화"가 자신의 최우선이 될 거라 말했다.  

    The left-wing leader said she wanted to be "a much better president than I have been until now".우익지도자인 그녀는 "지금까지 해왔던 것보다 더 좋은 모습의 대통령"이 되고 싶다고 말했다.

    She faced mass protests last year against corruption and poor services. 작년에 그녀는 부패와 형편없는 서비스에 대한 문제로 대중의 저항을 받았었다.

    But Ms Rousseff, who has been in power since 2010, remains popular with poor Brazilians thanks to her government's welfare programmes. 루세는 2010년부터 권력을 잡았는데, 자신의 정권이 펼치는 복지정책 때문에 가난한 사람들에게 인기가 많다.

    Political reform 정치 개혁

    The vote split Latin America's biggest country almost evenly in two, along lines of social class and geography. 이번 선거는 라틴아메리카에서 가장 큰 나라 브라질을 사회계층과 지역에 따라 두 동강을 냈다.

    Whereas Dilma Rousseff did well in the poorer northern states, her opponent from the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) took many of the wealthier and more developed southern parts of Brazil. 딜마 루세는 가난한 북부 주들에서 선전했고, 브라질 사회민주당 소속인 그녀의 경쟁자는 좀더 잘 살고 더 발전된 남부 지역들에서 선전했다.

    After an acrimonious and closely fought campaign, Rousseff supporters were clearly relieved to have won

    Mr Neves's supporters saw their chance of ousting the PT from power vanish for another term

    The president said that during the campaign "the word repeated most often was change and the idea most often invoked was reform".

    "Sometimes in history, close outcomes trigger results more quickly than ample victories," she said.

    "It is my hope, or even better, my certainty that the clash of ideas can create room for consensus, and my first words are going to be a call for peace and unity," she told a cheering crowd in the capital, Brasilia.

    "Instead of widening differences and creating a rift, I have the strong hope that we can use this energy to build bridges."

    She also thanked her supporters, especially her political mentor and predecessor in office, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

    Ms Rousseff thanked her political mentor and predecessor Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva

    "I thank from the bottom of my heart our number one militant, President Lula."

    Her Workers' Party (PT), which has been in power since 2002, will now govern for another four-year term starting on 1 January 2015, but with a considerably weaker mandate than before.

    Her lead over the Brazilian Social Democracy Party dropped from 12 percentage points in 2010 to three in Sunday's election.

    The divided nature of the vote was palpable in Sao Paulo, where disappointed supporters of Mr Neves chanted "Kick the PT out!" while PT voters waved flags and celebrated in the streets.

    Mr Neves admitted defeat and thanked the "more than 50 million Brazilians who voted for the path to change".

    He said that the "overriding priority is to unite Brazil around an honourable programme worthy of all Brazilians".


    Analysis: Wyre Davies, BBC News, Rio de Janeiro

    This has been the tightest of contests, but in re-electing Dilma Rousseff, Brazilians have opted for continuity, backing a system and a party that has brought economic growth and generous welfare programmes that have elevated tens of millions of Brazilians out of extreme poverty.

    The centrist, business-friendly candidate Aecio Neves had pushed Dilma Rousseff hard - his experience as a successful state governor persuading many Brazilians that he could modernize and rationalize what, in recent years, has been a struggling economy.

    The challenges facing Dilma Rousseff are huge. International markets are nervous about the high level of government intervention in the economy. Many of those Brazilians whose lives have improved in recent years want more - especially services including better health education and a reduction in Brazil's chronic levels of crime.

    Brazil's president preaches unity after hard-won victory


    Ms Rousseff promised wide-spread reform and a "rigorous fight against corruption", one of the grievances which led to mass protests last year.

    She said she would "strengthen control mechanism and propose changes to the legislation to put an end to impunity".

    Both Ms Rousseff and Mr Neves had made economic growth central to their election campaigns and the president again referred to her plans in her victory speech.

    She said she would "continue to fight inflation and make improvements in the field of fiscal responsibility".

    With Brazil's once booming economy now stagnant and inflation on the rise, analysts say her main challenges will be to regain the confidence of investors as well as that of those Brazilians who voted for Mr Neves.

    Aecio Neves admitted defeat in a speech to supporters in the southern city of Belo Horizonte 아에시오 네베스는 남부 도시 벨로 호리존테에서 지지자들에게 보내는 연설에서 패배를 시인했다

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