
  • (테크놀로지) FBI 소속 비행기 해커 보안전문가에게 질문받다
    과학과 테크놀로지/테크놀로지 2015. 5. 19. 19:33

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-32780513

    18 May 2015

    FBI flight hacker claims queried by security experts FBI 소속 비행기해커 보안 전문가들한테 질문받다

    The FBI document says Chris Roberts told an agent he hacked the aircraft via the in-flight entertainment system. FBI 문서에 의하면, FBI 소속 크리스 로버츠는 자신이 기내 오락시스템을 통해 항공기를 해킹한 적 있었다고 보안전문 요원에게 털어놓았다고 한다.

    An FBI search warrant states that a cybersecurity professional told an agent he was able to control an aeroplane engine from his seat after hacking the on-board computer system. FBI 수색영장에는 한 사이버 보안요원이 자신이  기내에 있는 컴퓨터 시스템을 해킹 한 후 자신의 좌석에서 비행기 엔지를 콘트롤 할 수 있었다고 보안전문 요원에게 털어놨다고 나와있다.

    The document claims Chris Roberts said he was able to make the plane "climb" and "move sideways" from his seat. FBI 문서에는 크리스 로버츠 라는 사람이 기내의 자신이 앉은 좌석에서 비행기를 "상승하게" 그리고 "옆으로 움직이게" 만들었다고 고백했다고 나온다.

    He was escorted from an aircraft by the FBI after an internal US flight last month. 

    Mr Roberts has tweeted that the FBI "incorrectly compressed" his research. 그는 FBI가 자신의 검증을 "부정확하게 요약했다"고 트위터에 글을 남겼다.

    And he maintains that he carried out his work in the public interest. 그리고 자신은 사적인 관심에서 그렇게 한 것이 아니라는 입장이다.

    "There's a whole five years of stuff that the affidavit incorrectly compressed into 1 paragraph... lots to untangle," he wrote. "5년 동안 진행된 일인데, 진술서가 단 1페이지로 압축되는 바람에 풀어야 할 것들이 너무 많다."고 그는 적었다.

    Many aircraft offer device connectors

    "Over last five years my only interest has been to improve aircraft security... given the current situation I've been advised against saying much," he wrote in a separate tweet. "지난 5년간 나의 한 가지 관심사는 비행기의 안전을 높이는 것이었다. 현재 상황에 대하여 나는 많이 말하지 말라는 충고를 받았다."고 트위터에 적었다.

    Mr Roberts, founder of one World Labs, is an expert in airline system security issues and is not detained by the authorities at time of writing.

    He had previously been banned from a United Airlines flight after joking on Twitter that he could deploy the oxygen masks during the journey.

    He is now being represented by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).

    The BBC has contacted Mr Roberts, the EFF and the FBI for comment.

    The FBI document also says he had "exploited" the in-flight entertainment systems on various aircraft "15 - 20 times" between 2011 and 2014.

    Mr Roberts gained physical access to it by connecting his laptop via the Seat Electronic Box located underneath passenger seats, the FBI states.

    In an interview with Wired magazine last month Mr Roberts suggested he only "sniffed the data traffic" on those occasions.

    Security experts have questioned whether Mr Roberts hacked a real plane 보안전문가들은 로버츠가 실제 비행기를 해킹했는지 물어보았다.

    "We were within the fuel balancing system and the thrust control system. We watched the packets and data going across the network to see where it was going," he said.

    Other experts in the cybersecurity community say it is not clear whether he really did hack an actual aircraft.

    The FBI document also says Chris Roberts told them he used Vbox, a virtual environment, "to build his own version of the airplane network", pointed out security expert Graham Cluley on his blog.

    "If that were true, Roberts might have accessed the plane's systems and data without permission, but perhaps never sent the real live system any commands to mess with the aircraft's journey," he wrote.

    Prof Alan Woodward from Surrey University told the BBC he found it "difficult to believe" a passenger could access and manipulate flight control systems from a plug socket on an aircraft seat.

    "Flight systems are typically kept physically separate, as are any safety critical systems," he said.

    "I can imagine only that someone has misunderstood something in the conversation between the researcher and the FBI, someone is exaggerating to make a point, or, it is actually possible and the aircraft manufacturers have some urgent work to do."

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