(테크놀로지) Hacking Team(영문자료)과학과 테크놀로지/테크놀로지 2015. 7. 14. 00:08
출처: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hacking_Team
Hacking Team의 웹사이트: http://www.hackingteam.it
WikeLeaks의 웹사이트: https://wikileaks.org
Hacking Team
Hacking Team is a Milan-based information technology company that sells offensive intrusion 공격적 무단침입 and surveillance capabilities 감시할 수 있는 제품들 to governments 정부 and law enforcement agencies 사법당국. Its remote control systems 원격조종으로 enable governments 정부가 to monitor the communications of internet users 인터넷 사용자의 통신을 모니터링할 수 있고, decipher their encrypted files and emails 그들의 암호화된 문서들이나 이메일을 암호해제하여 열어볼 수 있고 , record Skype 스카이프상 대화나and other Voice over IP communications 그 밖의 IP상 통신을 이용한 보이스톡을 기록할 수 있으며, and remotely activate microphones and camera on target computers 원격조종으로 타켓 컴퓨터의 마이크나 카메라를 작동시킬 수 있다.[1] The company has been criticized for providing these capabilities to governments with poor human rights records.[2] Hacking Team states that they have the ability to disable their software if it is used unethically.[3]
In June 2014, a report from the University of Toronto detailed the functionality and architecture of Hacking Team’s Remote Control System (RCS) software and operator tradecraft.[4]
Hacking Team employs around 40 people in its Italian office 해킹팀의 이태리 본사에는 40명의 직원들을 두고 있으며, and has subsidiary branches in Annapolis and Singapore 안나폴리스와 싱가포르에 지사를 두고 있다. Its products are in use in dozens of countries across six continents 현재 6대륙 수십개 나라에서 이 회사의 제품을 사용하고 있다.[5]
[hide]Company history[edit]
Hacking Team was started by two Italian programmers: Alberto Ornaghi and Marco Valleri. Prior to the company's formal establishment, Ornaghi and Valleri created a set of tools that could be used to monitor and remotely manipulate target computers. The program, called Ettercap, was embraced both by hackers looking to spy on people, and by companies that hoped to test the security of their own networks.
The Milan police department learned of the tools. Hoping to use Ettercap to spy on Italian citizens and listen to their Skype calls, the police contacted Ornaghi and Valleri and asked them to help modify the program. Hacking Team was born, and became "the first sellers of commercial hacking software to the police."[5]
2015 data breach[edit]
On July 5, 2015, the Twitter account of the company was compromised by an unknown individual who published an announcement of a data breach against Hacking Team's computer systems. The initial message read, "Since we have nothing to hide, we're publishing all our e-mails, files, and source code …" and provided links to over 400gigabytes of data, including alleged internal e-mails, invoices, and source code; which were leaked via BitTorrent and Mega.[6] An announcement of the data breach, including a link to the bittorrent seed, was retweeted by WikiLeaks and by many others through social media.[7][8]
The material was voluminous and early analysis appeared to reveal that Hacking Team had invoiced the Lebanese Army[9][dead link] and Sudan and that spy tools were also sold to Bahrain and Kazakhstan.[8] Hacking Team had previously claimed they had never done business with Sudan.[10]
The leaked data revealed a zero-day cross-platform Flash exploit (CVE number CVE-2015-5119).[11] The dump included a demo of this exploit by opening Calculator from a test webpage.[12][13] Adobe patched the hole on July 8, 2015.[14] Another vulnerability involving Adobe was revealed in the dumps, which took advantage of a buffer overflowattack on an Adobe Open Type Manager DLL included with Microsoft Windows. The DLL is run in kernel mode, so the attack could perform privilege escalation to bypass thesandbox.[15]
Also revealed in leaked data was Hacking Team employees use of weak passwords, including 'P4ssword', 'wolverine', and 'universo'.[16]
After a few hours without response from Hacking Team, member Christian Pozzi tweeted the company was working closely with police and "what the attackers are claiming regarding our company is not true."[17][18] He also claimed the leaked archive "contains a virus" and that it constituted "false info".[19] Shortly after these tweets, Pozzi's Twitter account itself was apparently compromised.[20]
Responsibility for this attack was claimed by the hacker known as Phineas Fisher on Twitter.[21] Phineas has previously attacked spyware firm Gamma International, who produce malware, such as FinFisher, for governments and corporations.[22]
Customer List 고객 명단[edit]
A full list of Hacking Team's customers were leaked in the 2015 breach. Disclosed documents show Hacking Team had 70 current customers, mostly military, police, federal and provincial governments. The total company revenues disclosed exceeded 40 million Euros.[23] (Note: The following table is from an unofficial leak. It is not necessarily accurate.)
Customer Country Area Agency Year First Sale Annual Maintenance Fees Total Client Revenues Polizia Postale Italy Europe LEA 2004 € 100,000 € 808,833 CNI Spain Europe Intelligence 2006 € 52,000 € 538,000 IDA SGP Singapore APAC Intelligence 2008 € 89,000 € 1,209,967 Information Office Hungary Europe Intelligence 2008 € 41,000 € 885,000 CSDN Morocco MEA Intelligence 2009 € 140,000 € 1,936,050 Italy - DA - Rental Italy Europe Other 2009 € 50,000 € 628,250 MACC Malaysia APAC Intelligence 2009 € 77,000 € 789,123 PCM Italy Europe Intelligence 2009 € 90,000 € 764,297 SSNS - Ungheria Hungary Europe Intelligence 2009 € 64,000 € 1,011,000 CC - Italy Italy Europe LEA 2010 € 50,000 € 497,349 GIP Saudi Saudi MEA Intelligence 2010 € 45,000 € 600,000 IR Authorities (Condor) Luxembourg Europe Other 2010 € 45,000 € 446,000 La Dependencia y/o Cisen Mexico LATAM Intelligence 2010 € 130,000 € 1,390,000 UZC Czech Rep. Europe LEA 2010 € 55,000 € 689,779 Egypt - MOD Egypt MEA Other 2011 € 70,000 € 598,000 FBI USA North America LEA 2011 € 100,000 € 697,710 Oman - Intelligence Oman MEA Intelligence 2011 € 30,000 € 500,000 President Security Panama LATAM Intelligence 2011 € 110,000 € 750,000 Turkish National Police Turkey Europe LEA 2011 € 45,000 € 440,000 UAE - MOI UAE MEA LEA 2011 € 90,000 € 634,500 NSS Uzbekistan Europe Intelligence 2011 € 50,000 € 917,038 DOD USA North America LEA 2011 € 190,000 Bayelsa State Government Nigeria MEA Intelligence 2012 € 75,000 € 450,000 Estado del Mexico Mexico LATAM LEA 2012 € 120,000 € 783,000 Information Network Security Agency Ethiopia MEA Intelligence 2012 € 80,000 € 750,000 State security (Falcon) Luxemburg Europe Other 2012 € 38,000 € 316,000 Italy - DA - Rental Italy Europe Other 2012 € 60,000 € 496,000 MAL - MI Malaysia APAC Intelligence 2012 € 77,000 € 552,000 Morocco - DST Morocco MEA Intelligence 2012 € 160,000 € 1,237,500 NISS - National Intelligence and Security Services Sudan MEA Intelligence 2012 € 76,000 € 960,000 Russia - KVANT Russia Europe Intelligence 2012 € 72,000 € 451,017 Saudi - GID Saudi MEA LEA 2012 € 114,000 € 1,201,000 SIS of NSC Kazakistan Europe Intelligence 2012 € 140,000 € 1,012,500 The 5163 Army Division (Alias of South Korean National Intelligence Service) S. Korea APAC Other 2012 € 67,000 € 686,400 UAE - Intelligence UAE MEA Other 2012 € 150,000 € 1,200,000 DEA USA North America Other 2012 € 70,000 € 567,984 CBA Poland Poland Europe LEA 2012 € 35,000 € 249,200 MOD Saudi Saudi MEA Other 2013 € 220,000 € 1,108,687 PMO Malaysia APAC Intelligence 2013 € 64,500 € 520,000 Estado de Qeretaro Mexico LATAM LEA 2013 € 48,000 € 234,500 Azerbajan NS Azerbaijan Europe Intelligence 2013 € 32,000 € 349,000 Governo de Puebla Mexico LATAM Other 2013 € 64,000 € 428,835 Governo de Campeche Mexico LATAM Other 2013 € 78,000 € 386,296 AC Mongolia Mongolia APAC Intelligence 2013 € 100,000 € 799,000 Dept. of Correction Thai Police Thailand APAC LEA 2013 € 52,000 € 286,482 SENAIN Ecuador LATAM LEA 2013 € 75,000 € 535,000 DIPOL Colombia LATAM LEA 2013 € 35,000 € 335,000 Guardia di Finanza Italy Europe LEA 2013 € 80,000 € 400,000 Intelligence Cyprus Europe LEA 2013 € 40,000 € 375,625 Midworld Barhein Bahrain MEA Intelligence 2013 € 210,000 Mexico - pemx Mexico LATAM LEA 2013 € 321,120 Malysia K Malaysia APAC LEA 2013 € 0 Honduras Honduras LATAM LEA 2014 € 355,000 Mex Taumalipas Mexico LATAM 2014 € 322,900 Sec. De Planeacion y Finanzas Mexico LATAM LEA 2014 € 91,000 € 371,035 AREA Italia Europe 2014 € 430,000 Mexico Yucatan Mexico LATAM LEA 2014 € 401,788 Mexico Durango Mexico LATAM LEA 2014 € 421,397 DIE Chile Chile LATAM LEA 2014 € 2,289,155 Jalisco Mexico Mexico LATAM LEA 2014 € 748,003 Royal Thai Army Thailand APAC LEA 2014 € 360,000 Vietnam GD5 Vietnam APAC 2014 € 281,170 Kantonspolizei Zurich Switzerland Europe LEA 2014 € 486,500 Vietnam GD1 Vietnam APAC LEA 2015 € 543,810 Egypt TRD GNSE Egypt MEA LEA 2015 € 137,500 Lebanon Army Forces Lebanon MEA LEA 2015 Brasil PF Brazil LATAM LEA 2015 Criticisms[edit]
Hacking Team has been criticized for selling its products and services to certain governments such as Sudan, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia.[24]
In June 2014, a United Nations panel monitoring the implementation of sanctions on Sudan requested information from Hacking Team about their alleged sales of software to the country in contravention of United Nations weapons export bans to Sudan. Internal records at Hacking Team revealed through the 2015 hacking of their systems disclose that Hacking team had in 2012 sold to Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Service in Kartoum it's snooping software titled "Remote Control System" for 960,000 euros.[25][24]
In response to the United Nations panel, the company responded in January 2015 that they were not currently selling to Sudan. In a follow-up exchange, Hacking Team asserted that their product was not controlled as a weapon, and so the request was out of the scope of the panel. There was no need for them to disclose previous sales, which they considered confidential business information.[26][24]
The U.N. disagreed. “The view of the panel is that as such software is ideally suited to support military electronic intelligence (ELINT) operations it may potentially fall under the category of ‘military … equipment’ or ‘assistance’ related to prohibited items,” the secretary wrote in March. “Thus its potential use in targeting any of the belligerents in the Darfur conflict is of interest to the Panel.”[27][24]
Italian Export Ban[edit]
In fall of 2014, the Italian government abruptly froze all of Hacking Team’s exports, citing human rights concerns. After lobbying Italian officials, the company eventually won back the right to sell its products abroad.[24]
Capabilities[edit] 자사가 고객에게 제공하는 서비스들
Hacking Team enables clients to perform remote monitoring functions against citizens via their Remote Control Systems (RCS) including Da Vinci: 해킹팀(회사명)은 고객으로 하여금 다 빈치를 포함한 자사의 원격통제시스템을 통해 고객이 일반인에 대해 이하에 나와 있는 것과 같이 모니터링을 기능을 수행할 수 있도록 해준다.
- Covert collection of emails, text message, phone call history and address books (자사의 원격조종 시스템을 이용해 고객이) 상대방의 이메일, 문자, 전화통화기록, 연락처의 은밀한 수집을 하도록 함
- Keystroke logging (자사의 원격조종 시스템을 이용해 고객이) 키로깅하게 함
- Uncover search history data and take screenshots (자사의 원격조종 시스템을 이용해 고객이) 상대방의 (삭제한) 검색기록 데이타를 드러내고 스크린샷을 찍을 수 있게 함
- record audio from phone calls (자사의 원격조종 시스템을 이용해 고객이) 상대방의 전화통화를 음성녹음하게 함
- Use phones to collect ambient noise and conversations (자사의 원격조종 시스템을 이용해 고객이) 상대방의 전화를 이용해 주변 소음과 대화를 수집함
- Activate phone or computer cameras (자사의 원격조종 시스템을 이용해 고객이) 상대방의 전화나 컴퓨터 카메라를 활성화 시킴
- Hijack telephone GPS systems to monitor target's location (자사의 원격조종 시스템을 이용해 고객이) 상대방의 위치를 모니터링 하기 위해 전화기의 GPS 시스템을 탈취함
Hacking team uses advanced techniques to avoid draining cell phone batteries, which could potentially raise suspicions, and other methods to avoid detection.[28][29]
See also[edit]
- ^ "Enemies of the Internet: Hacking Team". Reporters Without Borders. Retrieved 24 April 2014.
- ^ Marczak, Bill; Gaurnieri, Claudio; Marquis-Boire, Morgan; Scott-Railton, John (February 17, 2014). "Mapping Hacking Team's "Untraceable" Spyware".
- ^ Kopstein, Joshua (10 March 2014). "Hackers Without Borders". The New Yorker. Retrieved 24 April 2014.
- ^ Marquis-Boire, Morgan; Gaurnieri, Claudio; Scott-Railton, John; Kleemola, Katie (June 24, 2014). "Police Story: Hacking Team’s Government Surveillance Malware". Citizen Lab. University of Toronto. Retrieved August 3, 2014.
- ^ ab Jeffries, Adrianne (13 September 2013). "Meet Hacking Team, the company that helps the police hack you". The Verge. Retrieved 21 April 2014.
- ^ Hacked Team (@hackingteam) at the Wayback Machine (archived July 6, 2015)
- ^ Inside malware makers "Hacking Team": hundreds of gigabytes of e-mails, files, and source code WikiLeaks on Twitter. July 6, 2015. Retrieved July 6, 2015.
- ^ ab "Hacking Team hacked: Spy tools sold to oppressive regimes Sudan, Bahrain and Kazakhstan". Retrieved 2015-07-06.
- ^ Hacking Team on Twitter
- ^ Ragan, Steve. "Hacking Team hacked, attackers claim 400GB in dumped data". Retrieved 2015-07-06.
- ^ "https://helpx.adobe.com/security/products/flash-player/apsa15-03.html".
- ^ Khandelwal, Swati. "Zero-Day Flash Player Exploit Disclosed In 'Hacking Team' Data Dump". Retrieved 2015-07-06.
- ^ Pi, Peter. "Unpatched Flash Player Flaw, More POCs Found in Hacking Team Leak". Retrieved 2015-07-08.
- ^ Adobe Systems (corporate author). "Adobe Security Bulletin". Retrieved 2015-07-11.
- ^ Tang, Jack. "A Look at the Open Type Font Manager Vulnerability from the Hacking Team Leak". Retrieved 2015-07-08.
- ^ Whittaker, Zack. "Hacking Team used shockingly bad passwords". Retrieved 2015-07-06.
- ^ "Christian Pozzi on Twitter". Retrieved 2015-07-06.
- ^ "Christian Pozzi on Twitter". Retrieved 2015-07-06.
- ^ "Christian Pozzi on Twitter". Retrieved 2015-07-06.
- ^ "Christian Pozzi on Twitter: "Uh Oh - my twitter account was also hacked."". 2015-07-06. Retrieved 2015-07-06.
- ^ Phineas Fisher [gammagrouppr] (6 July 2015). "gamma and HT down, a few more to go :)" (Tweet).
- ^ Osbourne, Charlie. "Hacking Team: We won't 'shrivel up and go away' after cyberattack". Retrieved 2015-07-06.
- ^ https://ht.transparencytoolkit.org/Amministrazione/01%20-%20CLIENTI/5%20-%20Analisi%20Fatturato/2015/02%20-%20Client%20Overview%202015/Client%20Overview_list_20150603.xlsx
- ^ ab c d e Currier, Cora; Marquis-Boire, Morgan. "A Detailed Look at Hacking Team’s Emails About Its Repressive Clients". Retrieved 7 July 2015.
- ^ Hay Newman, Lily. "A Company That Sells Surveillance Software to Authoritarian Regimes Got Hacked Itself". Retrieved 2015-07-06.
- ^ Myers West, Sarah. "Hacking Team Leaks Reveal Spyware Industry's Growth, Negligence of Human Rights". Retrieved 8 July 2015.
- ^ Knibbs, Kate. "Hacking Team's Lame Excuse for Selling Digital Weapons to Sudan". Retrieved 2015-07-08.
- ^ Schneier, Bruce. "More on Hacking Team's Government Spying Software".
- ^ "Hacking Team Tools Allow Governments To Take Full Control of Your Smartphone". Retrieved 2015-07-06.
External links[edit]
- Official website
- Hacking Team Archives - investigative reports published by The Citizen Lab.
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