(테크놀로지) 해커들이 해킹팀 해킹하여 정보 유출과학과 테크놀로지/테크놀로지 2015. 7. 17. 16:03
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-33409594
6 July 2015
Hackers steal data from surveillance company 해커들이 이태리 보안업체 <해킹팀>의 데이타 400GB를 해킹하여 인터넷에 유포
It is not yet clear who carried out the attack on Hacking Team or why they stole the data 누가 <해킹팀>을 해킹했는지 그리고 왜 그들이 데이타를 훔쳐냈는지 아직은 확실하지 않다
A company that sells surveillance software has been hit by a data breach. 감시 소프트웨어를 판매하는 <해킹팀>이 데이타 유출의 피해를 입었다
Hackers said they had penetrated Hacking Team's internal network and stolen more than 400GB of data. 해커들은 자기들이 <해킹팀>의 내부 네트워크를 잠입해 400 기가바이트 이상의 데이타를 훔쳐냈다고 주장했다.
The Italian company said it was working with police to track down the hackers. 이 이태리 회사는 해커들을 잡기 위해 경찰과 협력하고 있다고 말했다.
Widely shared online, the stolen data includes a list of the countries that have bought Hacking Team's main surveillance tool, Da Vinci, and emails suggesting intelligence agencies use it to spy on activists and journalists. 온라인에 공개된 유출된 데이타에는 해킹팀의 주요한 감시 툴, 다빈치, 반정부활동가들과 언론이들을 사찰하기 위해 이런 소프트웨어를 사용한 정보기관들의 이메일들의 명단이 포함되어 있다.
The list includes: 이 리스트에는
- Azerbaijan 아제르바이잔
- Chile 칠레
- Egypt 이집트
- Kazakhstan 카자흐스탄
- Russia 러시아
- Saudi Arabia 사우디아라비아
- Spain 스페인
- Sudan 수단
Lists of passwords and login details for client sites were also revealed. 패스워드와 로그인 정보들의 리스트 역시 유출되었다.
The hackers first published stolen data, including internal files, email messages and software source code, on Hacking Team's own Twitter account, having first changed its name to "Hacked Team".
Confirmation of the breach came via the Twitter account of Hacking Team engineer Christian Pozzi.
"We are awake. The people responsible for this will be arrested. We are working with the police at the moment," he said in one message.
Soon after, this and other messages about the breach were removed as Mr Pozzi's Twitter account was deleted.
Hacking Team's website is also currently offline.
Security expert Graham Cluley said the company had "no shortage of online enemies around the world".
Its software had been popular with intelligence agencies in many countries, he said, but he questioned how many would continue that relationship given that it had been "so seriously breached".
Human rights group Reporters Without Borders had named Hacking Team as one of its "enemies of the internet" because its software was being used in countries that did not have a "good record on democracy and human rights".
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