
(남미/베네주엘라) 베네주엘라 경제문제로 비상사태 선포

밝은하늘孤舟獨釣 2016. 1. 17. 13:47

출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-35329617

Venezuela economy: Nicolas Maduro declares emergency

Soldier stands guard in a supermarket in San Antonio de Tachira, Venezuela (27 August 2015)Image copyrightAFP
Image captionSome Venezuelan supermarkets are now guarded by soldiers, as prices rise and consumers are squeezed

The Venezuelan government has announced a 60-day economic emergency to deal with the country's worsening crisis.

President Nicolas Maduro will govern by decree for two months.

The edict includes tax increases and puts emergency measures in place to pay for welfare services and food imports. 칙령

The government's move came as official figures released by the central bank showed that the Venezuelan economy had contracted by 4.5% in the first nine months of 2015.

The emergency was declared hours before President Maduro delivers a State of the Nation address to Congress for the first time since his centre-right opponents took control of the legislature.

The decree also instilled more state controls on businesses, industrial productivity and on electronic currency transactions. 주입하다 전자화폐 거래

Oil price fall

Venezuela has the world's biggest known oil reserves but the huge fall in oil prices in the past 18 months has slashed its revenues by 60%. 세입 낮추다 

People queue outside a supermarket in Caracas (13 January) Image copyrightAFP
Image captionThe country has been suffering from food and basic goods shortages

Annual inflation up to September 2014 is said by the Venezuelan Central Bank to have reached 141%.

President Maduro and new Economy Minister Luis Salas have argued for the need to protect social programmes established by his predecessor, former President Hugo Chavez, from the global drop in oil prices.

Oil exports account for as much as 95% of Venezuela's revenue.

The government says the country's soaring inflation and basic goods shortages have been induced by political opponents. 치솟는 인플레이션 초래하다

Correspondents say Venezuelans will be watching carefully to see if the opposition-dominated Congress will support President Maduro.

If it does not, the Maduro administration could appeal to the Supreme Court of Justice.

** 기사 요약 **

1. 베네주엘라 대통령이 자국의 경제사정이 너무 안 좋아 2달 간의 경제 비상사태를 선포했다.

2. 베네주엘라의 경제상황: (1) 작년 경제가 4.5% 하락. (2) 오일가격의 대폭 하락으로 인해 세입이 지난 18개월 동안 60% 하락. (3) 2014년까지 연 인플레이션 평균 141% (치솟는 인플레이션). (4) 그로 인한 기본생필품의 부족. 

3. 비상사태 포고령의 골자: (1) 세금인상. (2) 사회복지와 식자재 수입 비용 지출. (3) 비지니스계와 산업생산품과 전자화폐거래에 대한 강력한 통제

4. 관건: 야당이 다수를 차지하고 있는 의회가 대통령에게 과연 협조해줄 것인가?