(국제문제) 전세계 정규군 및 비정규군 숫자 (영문)국제문제/국제문제 2016. 2. 5. 12:29
출처: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_number_of_military_and_paramilitary_personnel
List of countries by number of military and paramilitary personnel
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThis is a list of countries by number of military and paramilitary personnel. It includes any government-sponsored soldiers used to further the domestic and foreign policies of their respective government. The term "country" is used in its most common use, in the sense of state which exercises sovereignty or has limited recognition.
Guide to the list[edit]
The list consists of columns which can be sorted by clicking on the appropriate title:
- The names of the states, accompanied by their respective national flags.
- The number of military personnel on active duty that are currently serving full-time in their military capacity.
- The number of military personnel in the reserve forces that are not normally kept under arms, whose role is to be available to mobilize when necessary.
- The number of personnel in paramilitary forces, armed units that are not considered part of a nation's formal military forces.
- The total number of military and paramilitary personnel, and the ratio per thousand inhabitants.
- As military forces around the world are constantly changing in size, no definitive list can ever be compiled.
Many of the 171 countries listed here, especially those with the highest number of total soldiers, such as the two Koreas and Vietnam, include a large number of paramilitaries, civilians and policemen in their reserve personnel. Some countries, such as Italy and Japan, have only volunteers in their armed forces; while others, such asMauritius and Panama, have no national armies, but only a paramilitary force.
The list[edit]
The following list is sourced from the 2014 edition of "The Military Balance" published annually by the International Institute for Strategic Studies.
Flag Country Active military Reserve military Paramilitary Total Per 1000 capita
(total)Per 1000 capita
(active)Afghanistan[1] 185,800 0 152,350 338,150 10.6 5.8 Albania[2] 14,250 0 500 14,750 5.1 4.9 Algeria[3] 130,000 150,000 187,200 467,200 11.8 3.3 Angola[4] 107,000 0 10,000 117,000 9.1 8.4 Antigua and Barbuda[5] 180 70 0 250 2.9 2.1 Argentina[6] 73,100 0 31,240 104,340 2.6 1.8 Armenia[7][Note 1][Note 2] 44,800 210,000 4,300 259,100 86 14.9 Australia[8] 56,200 28,550 0 84,750 3.6 2.4 Austria[9] 22,800 171,400 0 194,200 22.6 2.7 Azerbaijan[10] 66,950 300,000 15,000 381,950 40.1 7 Bahamas[11] 850 0 0 850 2.8 2.8 Bahrain[12] 8,200 0 11,260 19,460 14.5 6.1 Bangladesh[13] 157,050 0 63,900 220,950 1.4 1 Barbados[14] 610 430 0 1,040 3.7 2.1 Belarus[15] 48,000 289,500 110,000 447,500 47.2 5.1 Belgium[16] 30,700 6,800 0 37,500 3.6 2.9 Belize[17] 1,050 700 0 1,750 5.7 3.4 Benin[18] 6,950 0 2,500 9,450 1.1 0.8 Bolivia[19] 46,100 0 37,100 83,200 8.5 4.7 Bosnia and Herzegovina[20] 10,500 0 0 10,500 2.3 2.3 Botswana[21] 9,000 0 1,500 10,500 5.3 4.5 Brazil[22] 318,480 1,340,000 395,000 2,053,480 10 1.6 Brunei[23] 7,000 700 2,250 9,950 23.9 16.8 Bulgaria[24] 31,300 303,000 16,000 350,300 48.6 4.3 Burkina Faso[25] 11,200 0 250 11,450 0.7 0.7 Burma[26] 406,000 0 107,250 513,250 10 7.9 Burundi[27] 20,000 0 31,000 51,000 5.4 2.1 Cambodia[28] 124,300 0 67,000 191,300 13.2 8.6 Cameroon[29] 14,100 0 9,000 23,100 1.2 0.7 Canada[30][Note 3] 66,000 30,950 4,500 101,450 2.8 1.8 Cape Verde[31] 1,200 0 0 1,200 2.8 2.8 Central African Republic[32] 7,150 0 1,000 8,150 1.8 1.6 Chad[33] 25,350 0 9,500 34,850 3.4 2.5 Chile[34] 61,400 40,000 44,700 146,100 8.8 3.7 People's Republic of China[35][Note 4] 2,333,000 510,000 660,000 3,503,000 2.6 1.7 Colombia[36] 466,713 61,900 159,000 687,613 14.3 9.7 Costa Rica[37] 0 0 9,800 9,800 2.1 0 Croatia[38] 16,550 3,000 19,550 4.4 3.7 Côte d'Ivoire[39] 40,000 0 0 40,000 1.9 1.9 Democratic Republic of the Congo[40] 134,250 0 0 134,250 2 2 Cuba[41][Note 5] 49,000 39,000 1,146,500 1,234,500 107.8 4.3 Cyprus[42] 12,000 50,000 750 62,750 73.1 14 Czech Republic[43] 23,650 0 3,100 26,750 2.5 2.2 Democratic People's Republic of Korea[44][Note 6] 1,190,000 600,000 5,889,000 7,679,000 308.5 47.8 Denmark[45] 17,200 53,500 0 70,700 12.5 3 Djibouti[46] 10,450 0 2,500 12,950 16 12.9 Dominican Republic[47] 46,000 0 15,000 61,000 6.3 4.8 Ecuador[48] 58,000 118,000 500 176,500 12.1 4 Egypt[49] 438,500 479,000 397,000 1,314,500 14.9 5 El Salvador[50] 15,300 9,900 17,000 42,200 5.9 2.1 Equatorial Guinea[51] 1,100 0 0 1,100 1.7 1.7 Eritrea[52] 201,750 120,000 0 321,750 50.4 31.6 Estonia[53] 5,750 30,000 12,000 47,750 36.3 4.4 Ethiopia[54] 138,000 0 0 138,000 1.6 1.6 Fiji[55] 3,500 6,000 0 9,500 10.1 3.7 Finland[56] 22,200 354,000 2,800 379,000 69.2 4.1 France[57] 222,200 29,650 103,400 355,250 5.3 3.3 Gabon[58] 4,700 0 2,000 6,700 4.4 3.1 Gambia[59] 800 0 0 800 0.4 0.4 Georgia[60] 20,650 0 11,700 32,350 8.7 5.5 Germany[61] 186,450 40,320 0 226,770 2.8 2.3 Ghana[62] 15,500 0 0 15,500 0.6 0.6 Greece[63] 143,350 216,650 4,000 364,000 33.1 13 Guatemala[64] 17,300 63,850 25,000 106,150 8 1.3 Guinea[65] 9,700 0 2,600 12,300 1.2 1 Guinea-Bissau[66] 4,000 0 2,000 6,000 3.9 2.6 Guyana[67] 1,100 670 1,500 3,270 4.3 1.5 Haiti[68] 0 0 50 50 0 0 Honduras[69] 12,000 60,000 8,000 80,000 10.2 1.5 Hungary[70] 26,500 44,000 12,000 82,500 8.3 2.7 Iceland[71] 0 0 200 200 0.6 0 India[72][Note 7] 1,325,000 1,155,000 2,288,407 4,768,407 3.9 1.1 Indonesia[73] 395,500 400,000 281,000 1,076,500 4.2 1.5 Iran[74][Note 8] 523,000 350,000 40,000 913,000 11.4 6.5 Iraq[75] 271,500 0 531,000 802,500 24.6 8.3 Ireland[76] 9,350 4,630 0 13,980 3 2 Israel[77] 176,500 465,000 8,000 649,500 78.3 21.3 Italy[78][Note 9] 176,000 18,300 183,500 377,800 6.2 2.9 Jamaica[79] 2,830 980 0 3,810 1.3 1 Japan[80] 247,150 56,100 12,650 315,900 2.5 2 Jordan[81] 100,500 65,000 15,000 180,500 27.1 15.1 Kazakhstan[82] 39,000 0 31,500 70,500 4.6 2.5 Kenya[83] 24,120 0 5,000 29,120 0.7 0.6 Kuwait[84] 15,500 23,700 7,100 46,300 17.2 5.8 Kyrgyzstan[85] 10,900 0 9,500 20,400 3.8 2 Laos[86] 29,100 0 100,000 129,100 18.9 4.3 Latvia[87] 5,310 7,850 0 13,160 5.9 2.4 Lebanon[88] 60,000 0 20,000 80,000 17.9 13.4 Lesotho[89] 2,000 0 0 2,000 0.9 0.9 Liberia[90] 2,050 0 0 2,050 0.6 0.6 Libya[91] 7,000 0 0 7,000 1.1 1.1 Lithuania[92] 11,800 6,700 11,550 30,050 8.5 3.3 Luxembourg[93] 900 0 610 1,510 3.1 1.8 Madagascar[94] 13,500 0 8,100 21,600 1 0.7 Malawi[95] 5,300 0 1,500 6,800 0.5 0.4 Malaysia[96][Note 10] 109,000 51,600 269,300 429,900 16.7 4.2 Mali[97] 3,000 0 7,800 10,800 0.8 0.2 Malta[98] 1,950 180 0 2,130 5.3 4.8 Mauritania[99] 15,870 0 5,000 20,870 6.7 5.1 Mauritius[100] 0 0 2,500 2,500 1.9 0 Mexico[101] 270,250 87,350 59,500 417,100 3.8 2.4 Moldova[102] 5,350 58,000 2,400 65,750 15.2 1.2 Mongolia[103] 10,000 137,000 7,200 154,200 50.7 3.3 Montenegro[104] 2,080 0 10,100 12,180 18.1 3.1 Morocco[105] 195,800 150,000 50,000 395,800 12.7 6.3 Mozambique[106] 11,200 0 0 11,200 0.5 0.5 Namibia[107] 9,200 0 6,000 15,200 7.2 4.4 Nepal[108] 95,750 0 62,000 157,750 5.5 3.4 Netherlands[109] 37,400 3,200 5,900 46,500 2.7 2.2 New Zealand[110] 8,550 2,290 0 10,840 2.6 2 Nicaragua[111] 12,000 0 0 12,000 2 2 Niger[112] 5,300 0 5,400 10,700 0.7 0.3 Nigeria[113] 80,000 0 82,000 162,000 1 0.5 Norway[114] 25,800 45,940 0 71,740 14 5 Oman[115] 42,600 0 4,400 47,000 13.8 12.5 Pakistan[116] 643,800 0 304,000 947,800 4.8 3.2 Palestine[117][Note 11] 0 0 56,000 56,000 14 0 Panama[118] 0 0 12,000 12,000 3.6 0 Papua New Guinea[119] 1,900 0 0 1,900 0.3 0.3 Paraguay[120] 10,650 164,500 14,800 189,950 27.2 1.5 Peru[121] 115,000 188,000 77,000 380,000 12.9 3.9 Philippines[122] 125,000 131,000 80,500 336,500 3.4 1.3 Poland[123] 99,300 0 73,400 172,700 4.5 2.6 Portugal[124] 42,600 211,950 47,700 302,250 29 4.1 Qatar[125] 11,800 0 0 11,800 5.5 5.5 Republic of Macedonia[126] 8,000 4,850 0 12,850 6.2 3.9 Republic of the Congo[127] 10,000 0 2,000 12,000 3 2.5 Romania[128] 71,400 45,000 79,900 196,300 8.8 3.2 Russian Federation[129][Note 12] 845,000 2,000,000 519,000 3,364,000 23.4 5.9 Rwanda[130] 33,000 0 2,000 35,000 3.3 3.1 Saudi Arabia[131] 233,500 0 15,500 249,000 8.7 8.1 Senegal[132] 13,600 0 5,000 18,600 1.4 1 Serbia[133] 40,000 170,000 4,500 214,500 29.1 5.4 Seychelles[134] 420 0 450 870 9.9 4.8 Sierra Leone[135] 10,500 0 0 10,500 2 2 Singapore[136] 72,500 312,500 119,100 504,100 92.2 13.3 Slovakia[137] 15,850 0 0 15,850 2.9 2.9 Slovenia[138] 7,600 1,500 5,950 15,050 7.3 3.7 Somalia[139] 20,000 0 0 20,000 1.9 1.9 South Africa[140] 62,100 15,050 0 77,150 1.6 1.3 Republic of Korea[141][Note 13] 630,000 2,970,000 3,004,500 6,604,500 128.7 12.3 Spain[142] 134,900 14,200 80,700 229,800 4.9 2.9 Sri Lanka[143] 160,900 5,500 92,600 259,000 12.1 7.5 Sudan[144] 244,300 85,000 20,000 349,300 8.5 5.9 South Sudan[145] 210,000 0 0 210,000 5.1 5.1 Suriname[146] 1,840 0 100 1,940 4 3.8 Sweden[147][Note 14] 15,300 0 22,800 38,100 3.9 1.6 Switzerland[148] 22,650 161,250 74,000 257,900 31.5 2.8 Syria[149] 125,000 0 125,000 250,000 13.9 7 Republic of China[150] 290,000 1,657,000 17,000 1,964,000 84.1 12.4 Tajikistan[151] 8,800 0 7,500 16,300 2.2 1.2 Tanzania[152] 27,000 80,000 1,400 108,400 2.6 0.7 Thailand[153] 360,850 200,000 137,700 698,550 10.4 5.4 Timor Leste[154] 1,330 0 0 1,330 1.3 1.3 Togo[155] 8,550 0 750 9,300 1.5 1.4 Trinidad and Tobago[156] 4,050 0 0 4,050 3.3 3.3 Tunisia[157] 35,800 0 12,000 47,800 4.6 3.4 Turkey[158] 510,600 378,700 102,200 991,500 12.8 6.6 Turkmenistan[159] 22,000 0 0 22,000 4.5 4.5 Uganda[160] 45,000 10,000 0 55,000 1.7 1.4 Ukraine[161] 250,000 900,000 84,900 1,234,900 27.9 5.6 United Arab Emirates[162] 51,000 0 0 51,000 5.5 5.5 United Kingdom[163] 169,150 79,100 0 248,250 3.8 2.6 United States of America[164] 1,492,200 843,750 14,000 2,349,950 7.3 4.6 Uruguay[165] 24,650 0 800 25,450 7.3 7.1 Uzbekistan[166] 48,000 0 20,000 68,000 2.5 1.7 Venezuela[167] 115,000 8,000 0 123,000 4.6 4.3 Vietnam[168][Note 15] 482,000 5,000,000 40,000 5,522,000 60.9 5.3 Yemen[169] 66,700 0 71,200 137,900 6 2.9 Zambia[170] 15,100 3,000 1,400 19,500 1.6 1.3 Zimbabwe[171] 29,000 0 21,800 50,800 3.9 2.2 Not included in the list are the militaries of Abkhazia, Andorra, Bhutan, Northern Cyprus, Monaco,Nagorno-Karabakh, San Marino, Saint Kitts and Nevis, São Tomé and Príncipe, Somaliland, Swaziland, Tonga and Vanuatu.
See also[edit]
- List of countries by level of military equipment
- List of countries by military expenditures
- List of countries by military expenditure per capita
- List of countries by Military Strength Index
- List of countries by Global Militarization Index
- List of countries without armed forces
- List of militaries by country
- List of militaries that recruit foreigners
- List of countries by number of police officers
- ^ The reserve military of Armenia consists mostly of ex-conscripts who have seen service within the last 15 years.
- ^ Does not include Army forces of Nagorno Karabakh, which has an Armenian backed army.
- ^ The Canadian Coast Guard is listed as a paramilitary.
- ^ China's paramilitary figure does not include some 3,000,000 PLA Militia.
- ^ The reserve paramilitary of Cuba consists of the Youth Labour Army, Civil Defence and Territorial Troops Militia and count 1,120,000 units. Ready reserves serve 45 days per year.
- ^ The Worker-Peasant Red Guards count 5,700,000 units and are used as a reserve paramilitary. They are included in the paramilitary count in the table. Many units are unarmed.
- ^ The paramilitary forces of India includes 987,821 personnel from Indian Home Guard and Civil Defence.
- ^ The paramilitary forces of Iran largely consists of the Basij, a paramilitary militia with claimed membership of 12.6 million (including women and children), which after mobilization can reach about 1,000,000 people able to fight.
- ^ The paramilitary forces of Italy consists of the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza.
- ^ The paramilitary forces of Malaysia includes 244,700 personnel from the People's Volunteer Corps.
- ^ The personnel of Palestinian National Authority includes only organisations under the Directorate of Police Force; personnel strength figures for the various Palestinian groups in Gaza Strip, such as Hamas, are not known.
- ^ The potential reserve personnel of Russia may be as high as 20 million, depending on how the figures are counted. However, an est. 2 million have seen military service within the last 5 years.
- ^ The reserve personnel of South Korea predominantly consists of ex-conscripts with an obligation to undertake 3 days per year training.
- ^ The reserve personnel of Sweden includes 21,204 paramilitary from the Home Guard.
- ^ The reserve personnel of Vietnam includes 3,000,000 paramilitary from People's Public Security and Civil Defense.
- International Institute for Strategic Studies (3 February 2010). The Military Balance 2010. London: Routledge. ISBN 1857435575.
- International Institute for Strategic Studies (2 March 2011). The Military Balance 2011. London: Routledge. ISBN 1857436067.
- International Institute for Strategic Studies (7 March 2012). The Military Balance 2012. London: Routledge. ISBN 1857436423.
- International Institute for Strategic Studies (14 March 2013). The Military Balance 2013. London: Routledge. ISBN 1857436806.
- International Institute for Strategic Studies (3 February 2014). The Military Balance 2014. London: Routledge. ISBN 9781857437225.
Further reading[edit]
- Cordesman, Anthony; Fitzgerald, Erin (27 August 2009). The 2010 Quadriennal Defense Review (PDF). Center for Strategic and International Studies. Retrieved 31 August2010.
- Cordesman, Anthony; Nerguizian, Aram (22 April 2010). The Gulf Military Balance in 2010 (PDF). Center for Strategic and International Studies. Retrieved 31 August 2010.
- Cordesman, Anthony; Nerguizian, Aram (29 June 2010). The Arab-Israeli Military Balance (PDF). Center for Strategic and International Studies. ISBN 0275969398. Retrieved31 August 2010.
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