(종교) 바티칸의 새 문서: Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in the Church (영문)아름다운 인생/종교 2016. 2. 9. 13:34
출처: http://brothersvocation.org/2016/01/06/identity-and-mission-of-the-religious-brother-in-the-church/
Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in the Church
The Vatican’s office of the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life released a document December 14, 2015 titled “Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in the Church.”
The introduction to this document shares that it is meant to “shed light on the identity of the Religious Brother and the value and necessity of this vocation.”
Read it here: Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in the Church
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