- 23 February 2016
- Entertainment & Arts
(연예오락) 오스카상을 수상하려면 돈이 얼마나 많이 들까?아름다운 인생/오락 예술 2016. 2. 24. 11:33
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-35613630
How much does it cost to win an Oscar?
What goes on behind the scenes?
Film studios spend millions of dollars each year campaigning to get their movies in the minds of the 6,000 or so Oscar voters, hoping to win their acclaim. But does it work? 오스카상 심사위원단은 6천명 가량으로 구성되어 있음.
Heard the one about the actress who paid for her own full-page adverts telling Oscar voters to consider her performance?
Or the Hollywood producer banned from the award ceremony for campaigning against a rival blockbuster? (blockbuster: 흥행한 책이나 영화, 즉 흥행작)
Just two of the most high-profile attempts to influence what must be the most select group of voters on the planet, the 6,000 members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. 심사위원단의 명칭은 "영화 예술 및 과학 아카데미"
Estimates for the total amount Hollywood spends on Oscar campaigns range from $100m right up to $500m in a single year. 헐리우드가 한 해 동안 오스카 영화제 캠패인을 위해 쏟아붇는 돈은 1억불(1천억원)에서 5억불(5천억원)에 달한다고 추산.
It's not the kind of figure studio bosses like to talk about. But the film producer and blogger Stephen Follows has crunched anonymous data provided by some of his industry colleagues.
He puts the cost of a successful best picture campaign at around $10m with most of the cash going on advertising, media, talent costs and publicists. (홍보담당자: publicist)
In Oscar season, studios aggressively pay for adverts in the trade press, politely reminding voters about the merits of their films and the performances of their stars.
Thousands of dollars are paid for billboard posters and adverts The phrase "for your consideration" plastered on billboards and in print is now something of a Hollywood cliché itself.
A front page advert in the Hollywood Reporter in Oscar season is thought to cost up to $72,000 - industry magazine Variety is likely to charge a similar fee. (The Hollywood Reporter: 잡지명)
In 2011 the actress Melissa Leo, frustrated at a lack of mainstream press coverage, paid for her own adverts to push her performance in the film, the Fighter.
She was accused of "going rogue" by some. It worked and she took home the best supporting actress award that year.
Dirty tricks? 추잡한 속임수
Then there is the murkier side of all this: a select group of Oscar consultants whose job it is to get their films into the minds of Academy members. (murky side: 어두운 면, 안 좋은 면)
They are paid between $10,000 and $20,000 a movie but can easily double or triple that fee if the client gets nominated or goes on to win.
Academy members are invited to select screenings in Los Angeles, New York or London. Stars will often make a personal appearance or take part in an audience Q&A.
The Revenant, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, leads the Oscar nominations this year "These are highly-paid, shark publicists who know the Academy members, know how to get to them and know what they like," Hollywood reporter Gayle Murphy says.
Outright bribery is banned of course but voters say they are swamped with free gifts and trinkets ahead of the official nominations. (outright:노골적인 명백한) (be swamped with~: ~가 쇄도하다) (trinkets: 패물들)
"I've gotten books, cookbooks and just about everything short of Lincoln condoms," one anonymous voter told the Hollywood Reporter in 2013. "It's ridiculous." (anonymous voter: 익명의 선거인)
Under official Academy rules revised in 2011 any direct lobbying by email or telephone is banned.
After the nominations are announced, studios are not allowed to hold screening receptions with free food or drink, a favourite tactic in the past.
Negative comments
Comments, either made directly or on social media, that attempt to "cast a negative or derogatory light" on rival movies are particularly frowned upon.
In 2010, Nicolas Chartier, one of the producers behind the film the Hurt Locker, was banned from the Oscars for sending out an email asking voters to back his movie over "a $500m film" - a clear reference to rival best picture nominee Avatar.
David McNew
A best picture Oscar can add $3m to a film's takings The Hurt Locker was victorious that year and he did eventually get his statue a month after the ceremony itself.
But it's thought this kind of practice is far from a one-off.
It's suspected that those Oscar consultants may be partly responsible for the steady stream of negative stories which appear in the press in awards season.
Whether that's Slumdog Millionaire accused of employing badly paid child actors or Zero Dark Thirty criticised for condoning torture.
Is it all worth it? Figures put together by Edmund Helmer, a data analyst with Facebook, in 2013 suggest maybe not.
Stripping out other factors, he calculates a best picture Oscar win adds only $3m to a film's box office takings, far less than the $14.2m boost after a win at the Golden Globes.
That might be because the Oscars come at the end of the long awards season when films tend to have been on general release for some time.
A separate study in 2014 found winning an Academy award boosts the pay of an actor by $3.9m but actresses see a much smaller $500,000 rise. 2014년도 연구에 의하면, 아카데미 상을 수상한 경우, 남자배우의 보수는 390억 달러가 인상되었으나 반면 여배우의 보수는 고작 50만 달러가 인상.(boost: 금액을 인상하다)
The man behind the study, the academic Kevin Sweeney, says he can't explain the discrepancy for certain, but industry-wide gender bias with more starring roles for men is likely to play a part. (discrepancy:불일치)
All this is about far more than money of course. Hollywood politics and recognition from your peers play an important part.
As Edmund Helmer himself writes, both the Golden Globe and Oscar races "are not just about selling tickets to the films that win.
"The awards bring opportunities to the winners - and the unquantifiable gratification of victory." 수사들에게는 기화들이 주어지고, 수치로 나타낼 수 없는 승리의 희열이 주어진다. (unquantifiable: 수량화할 수 없는. gratification: 만족감, 희열)
** 기사 요약 및 소감 **
1. 오스카 상 심사위원단은 6천명 가량으로 구성.
2. 심사위원단의 공식명칭은 the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (영화 예술 및 과학 아카데리).
3. 헐리우드가 오스카 영화제 캠패인을 위해 한 해 동안 쏟아붇는 돈은 1억 달러(1천 억원)에서 5억 달러(5천 억원).
4. 최고작에 대한 홍보비용 1천만 달러에는 광고비, 매스컴 홍보, talent costs(재능있는 사람에 대한 비용?), 홍보담당자들 포함.
5. 선거인단의 마음을 움직이기 위한 영화광고의 내용은 영화의 공로(장점), 배우들의 활약상.
6. 오스카 영화제 때 발행되는 잡지 <더 홀리우드 레포터 the Hollywood Reporter> 전면에 실리는 광고는 72,000 달러 (7천2백만원), 다른 잡지 <Variety> 도 광고비는 비슷.
7. 오스카상 심사위원들에게 특정 영화를 좋게 평가해 달라고 홍보해주는 Oscar consultants가 있다. 이들이 받는 보수는 영화당 1만달러~2만달러(1천만원~2천만원)이다. 그 영화 본선 안에 노미네이트 되면 보수가 2~3배로 뛴다.
8. 공식 노미네이션을 앞두고, 선거인단에게 노골적인 뇌물 증여가 금지되어 있기 때문에, 공공연한 각종 선물의 형태로 전해진다.
9. 2011년 개정된 아카데미 규정에 의하면, 이메일이나 전화를 통한 그 어떤 직접적인 로비활동이 금지되어 있다.
10. 수상 배우들의 보수에도 엄청나게 큰 차이가 있다. 2014년 남자배우의 보수는 390억 달러 인상 그러나 여자배우의 보수는 고작 50만 달러 인상. 헐리우드에도 남녀 불평등이 자리하고 있다는 사실을 우리는 엿볼 수 있다.
11. 이런 걸 보면서, 한국의 대종상 영화제의 이면은 과연 미국과 얼마나 다를까 생각하게 된다.
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