Japan halts US Okinawa base expansion 일본 오키나와 미군기지 확장을 중단시키다 (halt: 명사로 멈춤, 중단. 동사로 멈추다, 중단시키다)
- ㅇ을4 March 2016
- Asia

Japan's PM Shinzo Abe has agreed to suspend construction work required for the relocation of a controversial US military base in Okinawa. 일본 수상 신조 아베는 오키나와에 있는 논란이 많은 미군기지의 이전을 위해 필요한 건축작업을 중지시키기로 했다. (suspend: 유예하다, 중단하다) (controversial: 형용사로, 논란이 많은, 말썽 많은)
Mr Abe said he was accepting a court-mediated settlement reached after a long stand-off between the central government and local authorities. (이 문장은 전형적인 간접화법임) (a court-mediated settlement: 법원이 중재한 중재안) (stand-off: 교착상태, 견해차이)
The government wants to move the US Futenma airbase from its densely populated site to a more remote area. (airbase: 공군기지)
But local officials and residents want the base removed entirely.
Japan has already began land reclamation work off the shore of Camp Schwab, the US base in Henoko, south of Nago city. (reclamation: 개간, 간척) (land reclamation: 해안의 간척) (off~: ~에서 멀리 떨어진)
Mr Abe said he would now be ordering that work to stop, but that the government's plan was still to eventually relocate the base to Henoko. (이 문장도 간접화법)
The US has about 26,000 US troops and several bases in Okinawa as part of a long-standing security alliance forged with Japan after World War Two. (long-standing: 형용사로 오랜 기간의) (alliance: 동맹, 연합)(forged with~: ~와 함께 구축하다)
Resentment at the US presence has been growing among Okinawans, particularly since the 1995 gang-rape of a 12-year-old girl by US troops. (resentment: 분노, 억울함) (presence: 현존, 존재, 주둔) (gang-rape: 강간) (US troops: 미군)
Residents have also complained about the environmental impact of land reclamation.