아름다운 인생/싸움의 기술

(싸움의기술/동영상) Women's Self Defense: Level 1 - Rape Escape 여성호신술 1단계: 강간 위기 탈출

밝은하늘孤舟獨釣 2016. 4. 8. 11:17

출처: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D8r-wH0dkk

Women's Self Defense: Level 1 - Rape Escape 여성호신술 1단계: 강간 위기 탈출

업로드된 날짜: 2011. 11. 22.


This is the first move you learn in level 1 (fight like a girl) of my women's self defense class based on rape escape. My certification was obtained from Defend University by my instructor steve kardian. Hope you all enjoy, and look for similar self defense classes in your area.