
  • (여성) 일회성 봉급 인상으로 남녀 교수 봉급차이 개선한 영국의 대학교
    아름다운 인생/여성 2016. 6. 4. 23:18

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/education-36444063

    University wipes out gender pay gap with salary hike  (wipe out: 없애다) (hike: 가격 경비 등의 대폭인상)

    Female scientistImage copyrightSCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY
    Image captionUniversities have been criticised for paying women less than men

    A UK university is giving its female professors a one-off salary hike to wipe out the gender pay gap with their male colleagues. (one-off: 일회성)

    The University of Essex is raising female professors' pay, to bring their average salaries level with the men.

    It comes as UK pay data analysis by the Times Higher Education says full-time female academics are paid 11% less than men. 영국의 경우, 여성교수들은 남성교수들보다 11% 적게 받는다.

    Essex said the move was motivated by "impatience" for change over the issue.

    Vice-chancellor Anthony Forster said other steps dedicated to improving women's promotion chances had failed to close the pay gap at professorial level. (vice-chancellor: 영국 대학의 부총장)

    He said: "Treating our staff with equal respect and dignity is at the very core of our values as a diverse and inclusive community.

    "This decision ensures we reward people in a fair way, based upon their contribution to our community, regardless of their personal characteristics."

    No significant pay gaps were identified at other grades, or for other staff groups, but the university would be taking further steps to ensure this remained the case, he said.

    'Little progress'

    According to data collected by the Higher Education Statistics Agency for 2014-15 on full-time academic staff, women are paid £45,704 on average while men are paid £51,333 - a difference of £5,629.

    UCU general secretary Sally Hunt said there had been "little progress" on the issue, which was highlighted by many union members during last week's two-day strike over pay.

    The Universities and Colleges Employers Association said it "shared commitment" between employers and unions "to address these issues" and was continuing to work on them.

    It added that the latest Office for National Statistics data, which includes part-time staff, shows that the gender pay gap in higher education fell by 1.3 percentage points to 14.7% last year, with the gap for university teachers down from 9.3% to 9.1%.

    Times Higher analysis of data suggests a persistent, but smaller, pay gap for professors, with women paid 5.8% less on average than men - £74,682 against £79,252.

    Essex's gap is just 3.1% (£2,439), which puts it in the bottom fifth for professorial pay gaps.

    'Equitable treatment' (equitable: 공정한, 공평한)

    Queen's University Belfast had the largest pay gap for professors, with senior female staff paid £11,257 less on average than male ones, a 14% difference.

    A spokeswoman said that the institution had identified the gap at professorial level and had taken "immediate steps to address this".

    Queen's had received awards attesting to its "absolute commitment that all female and male academics are treated equitably in every aspect of university life", she said. (attest to: 증명하다, 입증하다)

    King's College, London, had the biggest gender pay gap of any large university when all kinds of academic staff are considered, with women paid £10,061 (17.7%) less than men on average.

    The gap reflected the fact that there are fewer women than men in the most highly paid positions, it said, adding that it had introduced an institution-wide action plan on equal pay.

    ** 기사에 대한 소감 **

    1. 이 기사에 의하면, 영국의 여성 교수들은 남성교수들보다 대략 평균적으로 11% 적은 봉급을 받고 있다.

    2. 지난 번 미국의 경우에도 여배우와 여성 수학전공자가 남년 임금차별에 저항하는 기사를 읽은 적이 있다.

    3. 그리고 그 전에는 미국의 유명한 여배우가 남자배우와 동등한 임금을 받겠다고 투쟁하는 기사도 기억이 난다.

    4. 미국과 영국의 경우에, 임금에서 남녀 차별이 존재한다면, 한국은 얼마나 심하겠는가?

    5. 미국과 영국의 사례를 들어, 아직까지 21세기에도 임금에서 남녀차별이 전세계적으로 존재하고 있다고 결론을 짓는다면, 한국의 여성들은 어떤 생각을 갖게 될까?

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