- 4 July 2016
- Technology
(테크놀로지) 유명인사 누드사진 해커 유죄 인정과학과 테크놀로지/테크놀로지 2016. 7. 8. 19:20
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-36702837
'Celebgate' nudes hacker pleads guilty 유명인사 누드사진 해커 유죄 인정 (plead guilty: 유죄임을 인정하다)
A US man has pleaded guilty to running a phishing campaign to steal private pictures and videos from film and TV stars. 개인 사진들과 동영상들을 영화나 TV stars에서 훔치기 위해 피싱작업을 해온 미국 남성이 유죄를 인정했다.
Edward Majerczyk, of Chicago, was arrested after police investigated the 2014 "celebgate" affair.
Nudes of more than 100 celebrities, including Rihanna and Jennifer Lawrence, were leaked in that incident. 리한나와 제니퍼 로렌스를 비롯해 무려 100명이 넘는 유명인사들의 누드사진들이 그 때 유출되었다.
Majerczyk's phishing campaign tricked people into visiting booby-trapped websites that stole login data. 마제르직의 피싱작업은 사람들을 속여서 덫으로 깔아놓은 웹사이트를 방문하며 남긴 로그인 기록을 훔쳤던 것.
'No evidence'
He sent emails crafted to look like security warnings from internet service providers, which prompted targets to visit the sites he had created. 인터넷 사업자가 보내는 보안 경고처럼 보이기 위해 가짜 이메일을 보냈다. (crafted: 만들어낸, 가공의, 가짜의)
The hacker is believed to have used this method to steal login names and passwords for more than 300 Apple iCloud and Gmail accounts between November 2013 and August 2014. 로그인 사용자 이름과 비밀번호를 훔치기 위해 이같은 방법을 썼던 것으로 추정된다.
About 30 of those accounts had belonged to well-known film and TV stars, said the US Department of Justice (DoJ) in statement.
"This defendant not only hacked into email accounts - he hacked into his victims' private lives, causing embarrassment and lasting harm," said Deirdre Fike, assistant director of the FBI's Los Angeles office.
The DoJ said although the charge of computer hacking had been brought against Majerczyk as a result of its investigation into celebgate, there was no evidence linking him to the actual leaks of intimate images.
It said that at sentencing Majerczyk would face a "statutory maximum" of five years in jail.
In March this year, another American man, Ryan Collins, also pleaded guilty to using a similar method to steal candid pictures and videos of celebrities. Collins has yet to be sentenced.
Despite both men using similar techniques and targeting some of the same people, police do not believe they worked together.
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