(습작시) 900번째 습작시 On Living in the MDA / Bright Sky현대시/습작시 2016. 8. 26. 16:16
** 밝은 하늘 **
아래의 시는 2008년 詩作을 시작한 이래 900번째 詩이다. 이 시를 제외하고 모든 습작시는 한국어로 작성되었다. 내 생애에 최초이자 최후의 英詩가 될 것이다. 그러나 漢詩에는 관심이 많아 쓰고 싶은 마음은 있으나, 실력이 부족하여 늘 염원으로만 남는다.
On Living in the Marist District of Asia / Bright Sky
Wednesday, 24-08-2016
Being a member of the MDA has been a blessing for me.
I’ve enjoyed working in Pailin, Cambodia.
Community life here with Francis and Gilbert has been a growing experience for me.
It’s been a joyful time, as sweet as the first kiss with a first girl friend.
My heart has given free rein to my apostolic zeal on behalf of Cambodian youngsters.
Now my time here is coming to an end.
Looking up at the sky, I realize that this is not the end for me.
No, it’s time for me to journey on to other places
Where Jesus is not yet known and loved.
Tomorrow, our ongoing efforts to be disciples of Jesus to young people will be praised.
O Jesus and our Good Mother, with all my heart I believe that you are always with me.
No matter how difficult the challenges that I may face
I will never lose sight of Champagnat.
Over and over again, I will pray to
St. Marcellin Champagnat, asking him
To remind our Good Mother Mary of the unity in our diversity
That has been such a wonderful blessing.
The powerful presence of our Risen Lord will always be with us in the MDA,
As we continue to dare in hope,
Proclaiming and spreading the fruits of the Spirit throughout Asia.
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