- 16 December 2016
- Australia
(호주) 비인간적 대우로 사망한 호주 원주민 여성에 관한 사인규명 요구국제문제/오세아니아 2016. 12. 17. 16:53
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-38345015
** 밝은 하늘 **
비교적 정치나 사회가 깨끗한 편인 것으로 보이는 호주에도 아직 원주민 문제가 남아 있는 거 같다. 아래 기사는 최근 사망한 원주민 여성에 대한 경찰당국의 비인간적 처사로 사망한 한 원주민 여성에 대한 얘기이다. 벌금을 납부하지 않아 체포된 22살 원주민 여성이 갈비뼈 통증을 수차례 호소했는데도 꾀병으로 알고 치료를 소홀히 해서 죽게 된 사건이다. 이 기사를 통해 알 수 있는 것은 호주 서부 퍼스 같은 경우에는 법에 의거해 벌금을 납부하지 않으면 체남자를 구속까지 시키는 모양이다. 한국사회가 "개판"인 것은 법집행이 엉망이기 때문이다. 한 집을 터는 도둑은 감옥에 넣어도 한 나라의 곳간을 터는 간 큰 도둑들은 이러 저런 이유로 봐주는데, 누가 법을 존중하겠는가? 윗물이 맑아야 아랫물이 맑은 법이거늘...
'Ms Dhu' inquest: Aboriginal woman's treatment 'inhumane' (inquest: 사인규명) (aboriginal: 토착의, 호주 원주민의) (inhumane: 비인간적인, 비인도적인)
An Aboriginal woman who died in police custody after three visits to hospital was subjected to "unprofessional and inhumane" treatment by police, an Australian coroner has said. 한 호주 원주민 여성이 세 차례 병원을 다녀간 후 경찰서 구치소에서 죽었는데, 이 여성에 대한 경찰의 대우가 "비전문적이고 비인간적"이었다고, 호주 검시관이 밝혔다. (coroner: 검시관)
Coroner Ros Fogliani said that the woman, known as Ms Dhu, had also received "deficient" health care.
Ms Dhu, whose full name is not used for cultural reasons, was arrested in August 2014 for unpaid fines.
Her family insists someone should be held accountable for her death.
Ms Dhu's death and her family's fight for justice have become a symbol for Aboriginal rights in Australia.
Delivering a series of recommendations at Perth Central Law Courts, Ms Fogliani said the law in Western Australia should be changed to end the imprisonment of people for non-payment of fines.
She also said police officers should undergo cultural competency training to better understand Aboriginal people's health concerns.
After being arrested on 2 August 2014, Ms Dhu, 22, was taken into custody at South Hedland Police Station, near the remote mining town of Port Hedland.
She began to complain of rib pain from a previous injury and was taken to South Hedland Health Campus. A doctor found no signs of infection and had her returned to custody on the basis that her pain was due to "behavioural issues". (behavioural issues: 행동상의 문제이니 곧 꾀병)
'Catastrophic decline'
The next day, Ms Dhu was still complaining of pain and was returned to hospital. But Ms Fogliani said her temperature was not taken, a chest X-ray was not performed and "errors were made and there was a missed opportunity to treat Ms Dhu for her infection".
She added: on this presentation, antibiotics would have been potentially life-saving for Ms Dhu."
The following day Ms Dhu "continued to suffer a catastrophic decline in her health" but Ms Fogliani said: "The behaviour towards her by a number of police officers was unprofessional and inhumane.
"Their behaviour was affected by preconceptions they had formed about her." (preconceptions: 선개념, 선입견) 밝은 하늘: 선입견이란 것은 참으로 무서운 것이다. 선입견이 일단 생기면, 사람이나 사물을 제대로 판단할 수 없게 만드니까.
CCTV footage played at the inquest showed officers dragging Ms Dhu, who appears to be unconscious, from her cell to a police vehicle.
'Profoundly disturbing'
She was taken to hospital for a third time where she died from septicaemia and pneumonia resulting from a broken rib. (septicaemia[|septɪ|si:miə]: 패혈증) (pneumonia[nu:|moʊniə]: 폐렴)
In her conclusion, Ms Fogliani says: "It is profoundly disturbing to witness the appalling treatment of this young woman at the lock-up on 4 August 2014. (appalling: 끔찍한)
"In her final hours she was unable to have the comfort of the presence of her loved ones, and was in the care of a number of police officers who disregarded her welfare and her right to humane and dignified treatment."
Speaking outside the court, Ms Dhu's family said they were not satisfied with the coroner's recommendations because no-one had been held accountable for her death, broadcaster ABC reported.
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