
(미국) 미국 대륙간 탄도 미사일에 대한 미사일 방어체계 성공적으로 시험

밝은하늘孤舟獨釣 2017. 5. 31. 14:52

출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-40101629

미국은 군사적으로 이스라엘과 더불어 세계 평화에 최대 위협이요, 환경적으로도 기후변화 노력에 지구상에서 가장 미온적인 나라다. 이런 미국이 이란이나 북한만 놓고 어쩌구 저쩌구 한다. 북한이 미사일 테스트 하면 위협이나 미국이 하면 당연한 것인가? 이는 지가 하면 로맨스요 남이 하면 불륜이라는 논리나 마찬가지이다. 세상에 이런 해괴한 논리가 어디 있나? 이런 건 논리라 하지 않고 궤변이라 한다. 북한이 하나의 작은 문제라면 미국은 북한보다 몇 백배 큰 문제~~~ 유엔의 결의안 위반으로 치면, 북한보다 미국이 어쩌면 더 많을 텐데~~~

US tests missile defence system as North Korea concerns mount 

A long-range ground-based interceptor is launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, in January 2016.Image copyrightMISSILE DEFENSE AGENCY
Image captionA 2016 flight test of a ground-based interceptor is launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base (a ground-based interceptor: 지상요격기(미사일))

The US has for the first time successfully tested its defence system against an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), say officials.

A ground-based interceptor was launched at a California air base and shot down a mock ballistic missile, the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) said. (a ground-based interceptor: 지상요격기, 즉 미사일) (a mock ballistic missile: 模擬모의 대륙간 탄도 미사일)

The Pentagon said the test was long-planned but it comes amid increased tensions with North Korea.

The test comes after Pyongyang fired its ninth missile this year.

MDA Director Vice Adm Jim Syring called the test a "critical milestone".

"This system is vitally important to the defence of our homeland, and this test demonstrates that we have a capable, credible deterrent against a very real threat," he said on Tuesday. (deterrent: 제지, 억지)

It was the first live-fire test against a simulated ICBM for the Ground-Based Missile Defense (GMD). (live-fire: 실탄사용의)

How do you solve a problem like North Korea?

The interceptor, which was launched from Vandenberg Air Force, collided with a simulated missile launched from Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands over the Pacific Ocean, the agency said in a news release.

The announcement comes in the wake of North Korea's third missile test in three weeks. (in the wake of: ~을 따라, ~의 뒤를 이어)

The Scud flew about 450km (280 miles) before landing in Japanese waters, prompting Japan to lodge a protest. (Scud: 스커드 미사일) (lodge: 제기하다)

NK missile ranges

Pyongyang has repeatedly defied a UN resolution banning all nuclear and missile activity, and has ramped up the pace of its tests in recent months. (defile: 더럽히다, 모독하다, 훼손하다) (ramp: 덤비려고 하다, 위협하는 자세를 취하다)

President Donald Trump joined South Korea and Japan in condemning the test.

"North Korea has shown great disrespect for their neighbor, China, by shooting off yet another ballistic missile...but China is trying hard!" he tweeted on Monday.