(중국) China hotel 'assault video' sparks anger and debate국제문제/중국 2016. 4. 7. 23:39
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-35984855 China hotel 'assault video' sparks anger and debate1 hour ago From the sectionChinaImage copyright@弯弯_2016Image captionThe video has been viewed by millions in ChinaFootage that appears to show a woman being assaulted in a Beijing hotel has sparked a massive debate in China. CCTV footage shows a woman bein..
(중국) 파나마문서와 관련하여, 어떻게 중국의 부는 해외로 빠져나갔는가?국제문제/중국 2016. 4. 7. 12:52
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-35957228 Panama Papers: How China's wealth is sneaked abroadBy Celia HattonBBC News6 April 2016 From the sectionChina China's citizens are sending their money overseas at an unprecedented rate In the shadow of Hong Kong's big banks, rows of currency exchange shops specialise in quick, anonymous transactions. But behind the scene..
(남미/브라질) 브라질 여대통령 루세프(Rousseff)의 탄핵이 합당하다는 의회의원회 의장 건의국제문제/남미 2016. 4. 7. 10:37
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-35980855 Brazil committee head recommends Rousseff's impeachment 브라질 여대통령 루세프에 대한 탄핵 건의 (impeachment: 탄핵)5 hours ago From the sectionLatin America & CaribbeanImage copyrightAFPImage captionJovair Arantes is the head of the congressional committee tasked with analysing the president's impe..
(유럽/아이슬랜드) 파나마 문건 파동으로 아이슬랜드 총리 사임국제문제/유럽 2016. 4. 6. 19:20
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35966412 Panama Papers: Iceland PM Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson resigns5 April 2016 From the sectionEuropeImage copyrightEPAImage captionIceland's president refused Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson's request to dissolve parliamentPanama PapersPanama tax leak reactionQ&A: Panama PapersPanama leaks spur global investigationsHow assets are hidden and ..
(중국) Xi Jinping국제문제/중국 2016. 4. 6. 00:33
출처: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xi_Jinping Xi JinpingFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThis is a Chinese name; the family name is Xi (习).Xi Jinping习近平Xi in London 2015General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of ChinaIncumbentAssumed office 15 November 2012Preceded byHu JintaoPresident of the People's Republic of ChinaIncumben..
(국제문제) BBC: Panama Papers: Mossack Fonseca leak reveals elite's tax havens국제문제/국제문제 2016. 4. 4. 16:53
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-35918844 Panama Papers: Mossack Fonseca leak reveals elite's tax havensBy Richard BiltonBBC Panorama2 hours ago From the sectionWorldA huge leak of confidential documents has revealed how the rich and powerful use tax havens to hide their wealth. Eleven million documents were leaked from one of the world's most secretive companies, Panaman..
(남미/베네주엘라) 베네주엘라 의회 암네스티(사면) 법안 통과국제문제/남미 2016. 4. 1. 20:12
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-35924647 Venezuela's National Assembly passes amnesty bill30 March 2016 From the sectionLatin America & CaribbeanImage copyrightEPAImage captionRallies have been held in Caracas to demand the release of jailed opposition leadersThe Venezuelan National Assembly has passed an amnesty bill which could free dozens of jailed oppos..