(아시아) 북한 장거리 로켓 발사에 대한 Aljazeera의 보도국제문제/아시아 2016. 2. 7. 15:24
출처: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/02/north-korea-launches-long-range-rocket-160207004824786.html WAR & CONFLICTN Korea launches long-range rocket despite warnings 서방세계의 경고에도 북한 장거리 로켓 발사하다North Korea says rocket carries an earth observation satellite but critics say it is a disguised ballistic missile test.07 Feb 2016 05:20 GMT ..
(아시아) 북한 장거리 로켓 발사에 대한 BBC의 보도국제문제/아시아 2016. 2. 7. 15:21
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-35515207 North Korea fires long-range rocket despite warnings10 minutes ago From the sectionAsiaImage copyrightReutersImage captionAn object which appeared to be a rocket was spotted above North Korean territory from the Chinese border city of DandongNorth Korea has fired a long-range rocket, which critics say is a test of banned miss..
(아시아/부탄) 부탄 왕비 왕자 출산국제문제/아시아 2016. 2. 7. 12:53
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-35511645 Bhutan's Queen Jetsun Pema gives birth to crown prince6 February 2016 From the sectionAsiaImage copyrightAFPImage captionKing Wangchuk announced the pregnancy in November, saying he considered his son "extremely fortunate because he will be born in our blessed country"Bhutan's royal couple have announced the birth of their fi..
(아시아) 대만 대남市 지진으로 건물들이 자빠지고 최소 7명 사망국제문제/아시아 2016. 2. 6. 16:39
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-35508475 Deadly earthquake topples buildings in Taiwan city of Tainan 지진으로 대만 대남市 건물들 쓰러지고 최소 7명 사망3 minutes ago The earthquake has destroyed a number of buildings An earthquake has toppled buildings in the south Taiwanese city of Tainan, killing at least seven people. Rescue teams have been t..
(중동) 미국이 주도한 공습에서 희생된 민간인은 얼마나 될까 계산해보면국제문제/중동 2016. 2. 5. 18:44
출처: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-35472662 IS conflict: Counting the civilian cost of US-led air strikesBy Paul WoodBBC News, Istanbul4 February 2016 From the sectionMiddle EastImage copyrightUS Air ForceImage captionUS-led coalition aircraft have flown 9,800 missions and dropped 35,000 bombs in Syria and IraqIslamic StateWhat is 'Islamic State'?Why IS milita..
(국제문제) 전세계 정규군 및 비정규군 숫자 (영문)국제문제/국제문제 2016. 2. 5. 12:29
출처: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_number_of_military_and_paramilitary_personnel List of countries by number of military and paramilitary personnelFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaCountries by number of active soldiers (2009)This is a list of countries by number of military and paramilitary personnel. It includes any government-sponsored soldiers us..
(아시아) 북한의 미사엘 발사 준비에 대한 Aljazeera의 시각국제문제/아시아 2016. 2. 4. 23:35
출처: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/02/north-korea-missile-launcher-move-japan-reports-160204032807832.html North Korea missile launcher on the move, Japan reportsJapanese public broadcaster says North Korean mobile launcher has been seen travelling near east coast.04 Feb 2016 05:11 GMT | Politics, Asia Pacific, North Korea, Japan Engagement: 51North Korea fired two mid..