(아프리카/하이티) 하이티 대통령선거 세 번씩이나 연기국제문제/아프리카 2016. 1. 26. 11:07
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-35388312 Haiti elections postponed a third time22 January 2016 From the sectionLatin America & CaribbeanImage copyrightAFPImage captionProtesters have accused the authorities of electoral fraud, and foreign countries of intervening in HaitiHaiti's electoral authorities have postponed a presidential runoff election for a third..
(아프리카/감비아) 감비아 아프리카에서 두 번째로 이슬람 공화국 선포국제문제/아프리카 2016. 1. 26. 11:04
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-35359593 The Gambia: Africa's new Islamic republic 감비아 아프리카에서 두 번째로 이슬람 공화국 선포By Alex VinesChatham House22 January 2016 From the sectionAfricaImage copyrightGetty ImagesImage captionThe majority of the population is MuslimThe West African nation of The Gambia was declared an Islamic republic..
(미국) 버니 샌더스: 민주사회주의자가 믿는 17가지국제문제/북미 2016. 1. 26. 11:00
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-35364868 Bernie Sanders: 17 things the Democratic socialist believes21 January 2016 From the sectionMagazineImage copyrightGetty ImagesIn today's MagazineWhy do people put on differing amounts of weight?The job cuts uniting workers in Wales and ChinaCalling the new branch of IS – in Afghanistan10 things we didn't know last weekDem..
(중국) 중국여행객들 유리 다리 건너기국제문제/중국 2016. 1. 25. 19:11
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-35166208 China tourism: Crossing the new glass bridgesBy Heather ChenBBC News24 January 2016 From the sectionChinaImage copyrightGetty ImagesImage captionVisitors have been flocking to China's central provinces to climb glass-bottomed suspension bridges, like this one at Shiniuzhai national parkFor some in China the sky does not..
(남미/브라질) 브라질 교도수 죄수들 벽을 부수고 탈출국제문제/남미 2016. 1. 25. 19:07
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-35397442 Brazil prison breakout: Inmates blow up wall to escape9 hours ago From the sectionLatin America & CaribbeanImage captionRecife lies on Brazil's north-eastern coastlineForty inmates escaped from jail in the eastern Brazilian city of Recife after a bomb was used to blow a hole in an external wall, authorities there say..
(미국) 폭설이 몰아친 미국 눈보라국제문제/북미 2016. 1. 25. 19:03
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35394742 US blizzard 2016: Clearing up after huge snowstorm 폭설(눈보라)이 몰아친 미국 37 minutes ago Laura Bicker reports from Washington, as authorities deal with the aftermath of the weekend's snowstorm Millions of people across the eastern US face huge challenges with the working week set to begin, following a mass..
(아시아) 동아시아에 몰아닥친 한파로 50명 사망국제문제/아시아 2016. 1. 25. 18:49
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-35397763 Fifty dead and thousands stranded as cold snap hits East Asia3 hours ago Asia cold snap: why is it freezing in the region? A cold snap sweeping across East Asia has led to more than 50 deaths in Taiwan and stranded at least 60,000 tourists in South Korea. Taiwanese media reported a rash of deaths from hypothermia and cardiac ..
(중동/이란) 미국의 이란 제재조치 해제후 이란과 중국 유대 강화국제문제/중동 2016. 1. 24. 14:36
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-35390779 Iran and China agree closer ties after sanctions ease23 January 2016 From the sectionMiddle EastImage copyrightAPImage captionXi Jinping is the first Chinese leader to visit Tehran in a decadeIran nuclear issueIran is back in business for nowWhat lifting Iran sanctions means for world marketsIran nuclear deal: Key deta..