(중국) 스팽글로 치장한 쇼걸의 이야기와 상하이 당국의 검열국제문제/중국 2015. 8. 20. 17:02
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-33960532 8 hours ago: August 20, 2015 A showgirl's story of sequins and censorship in Shanghai 스팽글을 단 쇼걸의 이야기와 상하이 당국의 검열By Josephine McDermottBBC News The club combined burlesque, Moulin Rouge and vaudeville in homage to the city's pre-Communist past 이 클럽에서는 과거 공산화 되기 ..
(호주) 베지마이트 사건의 숨겨진 이야기국제문제/오세아니아 2015. 8. 20. 16:44
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-33983562 19 August 2015 The real story behind that Vegemite headlineBy Ashley DonnellyBBC News Vegemite started as a war-time substitute for Marmite, and is an Australian culinary icon When a Queensland newspaper reported that Vegemite was being used to brew alcohol in remote Indigenous communities, local and foreign media went i..
(유럽) 유럽 국경에 몰려든 큰 폭으로 증가한 이민자들국제문제/유럽 2015. 8. 19. 17:14
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-33972632 18 August 2015 Europe migrant crisis: Surge in numbers at EU borders 유럽 국경에 몰려든 큰 폭으로 증가한 이민자들 Germany has seen a wave of migration from Syria and the Balkans The number of migrants at the EU's borders reached a record high of 107,500 in July, officials say, as a sharp surge in expected..
(유럽/독일) 2013년 표절문제로낙마한 독일 교육부 女性장관 Annette Schavan국제문제/유럽 2015. 8. 18. 14:02
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-21395102 9 February 2013 German minister Annette Schavan quits over 'plagiarism' Analysts say Ms Schavan's resignation will be hugely embarrassing to Chancellor Merkel German Education Minister Annette Schavan has resigned after a university stripped her of her doctorate for plagiarism. Duesseldorf's Heinrich Heine University voted ..
(남미/페루) 역대 교황문서 표절한 페루의 환 루이 치프리아니 추기경국제문제/남미 2015. 8. 18. 13:47
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-33966717 17 August 2015 Peruvian cardinal accused of papal plagiarism 역대 교황문서 표절한 페루 추기경 환 루이 치프리아니 Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani says popes' words are part of "the heritage of the faith" One of Peru's main newspapers says it will not publish any more articles by Lima's Roman Catholic..
(아시아/태국) 태국국방장관 曰 방콕 폭발은 외국인 겨냥한 것국제문제/아시아 2015. 8. 18. 12:43
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-33969621 2 hours ago: August 18, 2015 Bangkok bomb: Attack aimed to kill foreigners - Thai minister 태국 국방장관 曰 방콕 폭발은 외국인 겨냥한 것 The BBC's Jonathan Head: "There are scenes of the most appalling carnage" 너무 끔찍한 대량살상 장면 Thailand's defence minister has said those who planted a bom..
(미국) 미국 자국땅에서 활약하는 중국의 비밀요원들에 대해 중국에 경고국제문제/북미 2015. 8. 17. 19:49
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-33955150 1 hour ago: August 17, 2015 China 'seeking brother of Ling Jihua in US' 미국으로 도피한 링지화의 형제 찾아 나선 중국 Ling Jihua was charged with corruption in China Chinese officials in the US are searching for the exiled brother of a disgraced top aide to former President Hu Jintao, according to media..
(유럽/영국) 영국군이 사용중인 抗말라리아藥 메플로퀸 사용금지 요구국제문제/유럽 2015. 8. 17. 19:08
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-33943282 4 hours ago: August 17, 2015 Call for Army to stop using malaria drug mefloquine 영국군이 사용중인 抗말라리아藥 메플로퀸 사용금지 요구By Sima KotechaToday programme Some soldiers say their mental health has suffered after taking the anti-malaria drug, Mefloquine. A call has been made for an immediate ban on a ..