(시사) 영미 협정(UKUSA Agreement) (영문자료)사람되기/시사 2015. 11. 15. 23:47
출처: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UKUSA_Agreement UKUSA AgreementFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaUKUSA CommunityAustraliaCanadaNew ZealandUnited KingdomUnited StatesThe United Kingdom – United States of America Agreement (UKUSA, /juːkuːˈsɑː/ ew-koo-sah)[1][2] is a multilateral agreement for cooperation in signals intelligence between the United K..
(인문학) 이슬람 여성 착용하는 베일의 간략한 역사 (영문자료)사람되기/인문학 2015. 11. 14. 09:18
출처: https://www.facinghistory.org/for-educators/educator-resources/readings/brief-history-veil-islam A Brief History of the Veil in Islam To this day, head coverings play a significant role in many religions, including Orthodox Judaism and Catholicism. Islam began as a small faith community in the Arabian Peninsula. The community was established in Medina by the prophet Mo..