아름다운 인생/아름다운 삶 105

(아름다운 인생) 27세로 세상을 떠난 호주 아가씨의 충고

출처: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/dying-womans-inspirational-and-moving-final-letter-goes-viral/news-story/89c6036ccdcde5c0522a23a5c10265eb Woman’s moving final letter goes viral after her death at age 27AUSTRALIAN woman Holly Butcher died of cancer this week at 27, and the letter she wrote to be read after her death is inspiring thousands. Holly Butcher pen..

(아름다운 인생) 자신이 죽으면 혼자 남는 남편이 딴 여자 만나게 미리 배려하는 여인

출처: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/39165750/dying-author-writes-dating-profile-for-husband Dying author writes dating profile for husband An author dying of ovarian cancer has written a dating profile of her husband so he can find "another love story". Amy Krouse Rosenthal lists his best qualities and says she hopes "the right person reads this [and] finds Jason". "..