아름다운 인생/아름다운 삶 105

(아름다운 인생) 코끼리와 상어가 있는 데서 수영한다는 거

출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-35300384 Swimming with elephants and sharksBy Paul KerleyBBC News Magazine25 January 2016 From the sectionMagazineImage copyrightAli Bin ThalithAli Bin Thalith grew up by the coast in Dubai where both his father and grandfather were pearl divers. He spent much of his childhood either in the water or watching Jacques Cousteau films - sin..

(아름다운 인생) 2015년 현재 전세계 최고층 빌딩 (영문자료)

출처: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tallest_buildings_in_the_world List of tallest buildings in the worldFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThis article lists only buildings. For a list of tallest buildings including towers and structures, see List of tallest buildings and structures in the world.The 828m tall Burj Khalifa in Dubaihas been the tallest building in t..

(아름다운 인생) 시성식과 출중해야 된다는 강박관념 / 밝은 하늘

시성식과 출중해야 된다는 강박관념 / 밝은 하늘 2015-10-20(화) 최근에 소화 데레사 성녀의 부모님이 시성되었다. 좋은 나무가 좋은 열매를 맺듯이, 나도 좋은 나무가 되어야겠다. 그러나 최고로 좋은 나무가 되고 싶진 않다. 그저 평범하게 좋은 나무 정도면 만족한다. 그런데 재미 있는 건 ..

(아름다운 인생) 영화<The Great Escape>의 실제모델, 위대한 도망자 윌리엄 애쉬

출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34058540 30 August 2015 William Ash: The cooler king 스티브 맥퀸 주연 영화&lt;The Great Escape&gt;의 실제 주인공 윌리엄 애쉬 World War Two threw up many extraordinary characters. But even among this exalted company William Ash - the model for the character played by Steve McQueen in The Great Escape - stands out, wri..

(아름다운 인생) 어떻게 셀카봉은 두 번 씩이나 발명되었는가?

출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-32336808 19 April 2015 How the selfie stick was invented twice 어떻게 셀카봉은 두 번 씩이나 발명되었는가?By Vibeke VenemaBBC World Service The selfie stick was invented twice, two decades apart, by men on opposite sides of the world - and both times it was the result of problems experienced on a European holiday. 셀..