아름다운 인생/여성 76

(여성) 히든 피겨스 Hidden Figures: 나사(NASA)가 고용한 첫 흑인 전산요원들

출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-39003904 Hidden Figures: How Nasa hired its first black women 'computers'By Charlotte McDonaldBBC News18 February 2017 From the sectionMagazine The Oscar-nominated film Hidden Figures tells the story of African-American women whose maths skills helped put a US astronaut into orbit in the 1960s. But the history of black women working for..

(여성/동영상) 2014 신년기획 글로벌 리더의 선택 - UN의 여성 파워, 강경화 / Kang Kyung-wha Documentary

출처: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fm95Qq-ekE8 ** 밝은 하늘 ** 강경화의 외무부장관 임명을 반대한 야당의원들의 뇌구조가 의심스럽다. 저들은 정말 찌질이들이요, 루저들이요, 밥이나 축내는 식충이들이다. 아래 동영상을 보고 나니 더욱 그렇다. 한국 밖의 상황이 어떻게 돌아가는 지에 관해 ..

(여성) 정년퇴임 영국 女판사 조언曰 술취한 여성들은 각별히 몸조심 해야 한다

출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-39233617 Retiring judge Lindsey Kushner issues drunk women rape warning 10 March 2017 From the sectionManchester Image copyrightAVALONImage caption"I don't think it's wrong for a judge to beg women to take actions to protect themselves," Judge Kushner saidA female judge has warned women who get drunk they are putting themse..

(여성) 어릴 적 성폭력과 아동학대 당했던 경험을 고백한 제인 폰다

출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-39151842 Jane Fonda reveals rape and child abuse3 March 2017 From the sectionEntertainment & Arts Image copyrightAFPImage captionJane Fonda said she was "brought up with the disease to please"Oscar-winning actress Jane Fonda has revealed she is a rape survivor and suffered sexual abuse as a child. In an interview with fellow Os..