(건강) 넘 빨리 전파되는 에볼라아름다운 인생/건강 2014. 8. 2. 23:17
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-28610112
1 August 2014 Last updated at 22:03
Ebola crisis: Virus spreading too fast, says WHO 에볼라 위기: 바이러스가 너무 빨리 전파되고 있다고 세계보건기구는 전함
Medical workers have been deployed to explain to residents how to protect themselves 의료종사자들이 배치되어 주민들에게 에볼라에 감염되지 않는지 설명하고 있다
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is spreading faster than efforts to control it, World Health Organization (WHO) head Margaret Chan has said. 서아프리카에서 발생한 에볼라는 방제하려는 노력보다 훨씬 빨리 번지고 있다고, 세계보건기구 대표 마가렛 찬은 말한다.
She told a summit of regional leaders that failure to contain Ebola could be "catastrophic" in terms of lives lost. 그녀는 에볼라의 방제실패는 목숨과 관련하여 "커다란 재앙"이 될 거라고 지역국가 정상들 모임에서 말했다.
But she said the virus, which has claimed 728 lives in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone since February, could be stopped if well managed. 기니아, 이베리아, 시에라 레오네에서 728명의 목숨을 앗아간 바이러스는 잘 관리만 했다면 충분히 멈추게 할 수 있었다고 말했다.
It spreads by contact with infected blood, bodily fluids, organs - or contaminated environments. Patients have a better chance of survival if they receive early treatment. 이 바이러스는 감염된 피, 체액, 장기와의 접촉 혹은 오염된 환경과의 접촉을 통해 전파된다. 비록 감염되었다해도, 조기에 치료를 받으면 생존 가능성이 있다.
Initial flu-like symptoms can lead to external haemorrhaging from the eyes and gums, and internal bleeding that can lead to organ failure. 초기에 나타나는 플루 같은 증상에는 눈과 잇몸에서 비롯되는 외적 출혈이 있을 수 있고 또한 장기의 기능에 훼손하는 외적 출혈이 있다.
A US relief agency says it will repatriate two of its American staff who have contracted the virus in Liberia. 어느 미국구조단체는 리베리아에서 에볼리아와 접촉한 회원 두 사람을 미국으로 송환할 것이라고 말한다.
They are believed to be the first Ebola patients ever to be treated in the US. 이 사람들은 미국에서 치료를 받게 될 첫 번 째 에볼라 환자들이다.
Hundreds of US Peace Corps volunteers have already been evacuated from the West African countries. 수 백명의 미국 평화봉사단원들은 이미 서아프리카 국가들에서 빠져나갔다.
Separately, US President Barack Obama announced that delegates from affected countries attending a US-Africa conference in Washington next week would be screened. 이와 별도로, 미 대통령 바락 오바마는 워싱톤에서 있는 미-아프리카 회의에 참석하고 있는 감염국들 참가들은 검역을 받게 될 것이라고 발표했다.
"Folks who are coming from these countries that have even a marginal risk, or an infinitesimal risk of having been exposed in some fashion, we're making sure we're doing screening," he said. "미미한 위험일지라도 혹은 어떤 식으로든 노출된 미소한 위험일지라도 해당국가들에서 온 사람들을, 우리는 반드시 검사하겠다는 것입니다."라고 오바마는 말했다.
Analysis: David Shukman, BBC science editor
Friday's summit should provide the kind of international co-operation needed to fight Ebola but the battle against the virus will be won or lost at the local level. An over-attentive family member, a careless moment while burying a victim, a slip-up by medical staff coping with stress and heat - a single small mistake in basic hygiene can allow the virus to slip from one human host to another.
The basic techniques for stopping Ebola are well known. The problem is applying them. Since the virus was first identified in 1976, there have been dozens of outbreaks and all of them have been contained. Experts point to these successes as evidence that this latest threat can be overcome too.
But working against them are suspicions among local people and the unavoidable fact that this is an extremely poor part of the world, much of it still reeling from conflict. Deploying the right equipment in properly trained hands is always going to be a struggle, one that is now extremely urgent.
Dr Chan met the leaders of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone to launch a new $100m (£59m) Ebola response plan. 찬 박사는 에볼라대응안을 진행하고자 기니아, 리베리아, 시에라 레오네의 지도자들을 만났다.
The plan includes funding the deployment of hundreds more health care workers to affected countries. 이 대응안은 감염국들에 수백명의 보건종사자들을 더 배치하는데 드는 비용도 들어있다.
"This meeting must mark a turning point in the outbreak response," Dr Chan said at the summit in Guinea's capital, Conakry.
"Cases are occurring in rural areas which are difficult to access, but also in densely populated capital cities."
She said the outbreak was the deadliest and most widely spread, and had also demonstrated an ability to spread through air travel, unlike past outbreaks.
The spread of the virus is dominating the headlines in Liberia 에볼라의 전파는 리베리아의 뉴스 헤드라인을 장식하고 있다
Military vehicles in Liberia are displaying warnings and advice about Ebola to prevent panic over the spread of the virus 리베리아의 군용차량들이 배치되어 에볼라에 대한 경고와 조언을 하여 에볼라의 전파로부터 오는 패닉을 방지하고 있다
Separately, the Liberian government declared Friday a holiday to allow a huge sanitisation and chlorination exercise in government ministries and places of public gathering. 이와는 별도로 리베리아 정부는 금요일을 휴일로 지정하여 정부 각부처들과 공공장소에서 단체로 위생처리와 염소소독 연습을 실시하였다.
Information Minister Lewis Brown said "the intent is to let us come to the realisation that something is wrong and what is wrong is serious".
Up to 30 Commonwealth Games athletes from Sierra Leone, meanwhile,are considering extending their stay in Glasgow amid fears over the Ebola virus.
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