
  • (环境) 1984년 이래 온실가스(CO2/이산화탄소)레벨 급격히 상승
    과학과 테크놀로지/환경 2014. 9. 9. 21:54

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-29115845

    9 September 2014 Last updated at 02:09

    Greenhouse gas levels rising at fastest rate since 1984 1984년부터 엄청 빠른 속도로 온실가스 상승

    Concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere rose rapidly in 2013 2013년도 급격히 상승한 대기중 이산화탄소농도

    A surge in atmospheric CO2 saw levels of greenhouse gases reach record levels in 2013, according to new figures. 새로운 수치에 따르면, 대기중 이산화탄소상승은 온실가스의 레벨이 2013년에 기록적인 레벨에 도달했음을 보여주었다.

    Concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere between 2012 and 2013 grew at their fastest rate since 1984. 2012년과 2013녕 사이 대기중 이산화탄소의 농도는 1984년 이래 최고속으로 상승했다.

    The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) says that it highlights the need for a global climate treaty. 세계기상청은 이 현상은 지구차원의 기후협약이 필요함을 드러내는 것이라 말한다.

    But the UK's energy secretary Ed Davey said that any such agreement might not contain legally binding emissions cuts, as has been previously envisaged. 그러나 영국의 에너지부 서기 에드 데이비는 그 어떤 그런 협약도 이전에 구상했던 것처럼 배출양 감소를 법적으로 규제할 수 없다고 말했다.

    The WMO's annual Greenhouse Gas Bulletin doesn't measure emissions from power station smokestacks but instead records how much of the warming gases remain in the atmosphere after the complex interactions that take place between the air, the land and the oceans. 세계기상청 연보 <온실가스>는 발전소의 높은 굴뚝에서 배출되는 것들은 측정하지 않았으나, 그 대신 복합적 상호작용이 공기와 대지 그리고 해양 사이에서 발생한 다음,  얼마나 많은 온실가스들이 대기중에 여전히 남아 있는지 기록하고 있다. 

    Start Quote

    It could be that the biosphere is at its limit but we cannot tell that at the moment”

    Oksana TarasovaWMO

    About half of all emissions are taken up by the seas, trees and living things. 모든 배출의 거진 절반이 바다와 나무들과 생물에 의해 흡수된다.

    According to the bulletin, the globally averaged amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reached 396 parts per million (ppm) in 2013, an increase of almost 3ppm over the previous year. 이 연보에 따르면, 대기중 이산화탄소의 세계적 평균양은 2013년 396 ppm에 도달했는데, 아 양은 전년도보다 거의 3 ppm이 증가한 거였다.

    "The Greenhouse Gas Bulletin shows that, far from falling, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere actually increased last year at the fastest rate for nearly 30 years," said Michel Jarraud, secretary general of the WMO.

    "We must reverse this trend by cutting emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases across the board," he said.

    "We are running out of time."

    Atmospheric CO2 is now at 142% of the levels in 1750, before the start of the industrial revolution.

    However, global average temperatures have not risen in concert with the sustained growth in CO2, leading to many voices claiming that global warming has paused.

    "The climate system is not linear, it is not straightforward. It is not necessarily reflected in the temperature in the atmosphere, but if you look at the temperature profile in the ocean, the heat is going in the oceans," said Oksana Tarasova, chief of the atmospheric research division at the WMO.

    'More worrying'

    The bulletin suggests that in 2013, the increase in CO2 was due not only to increased emissions but also to a reduced carbon uptake by the Earth's biosphere.

    The scientists at the WMO are puzzled by this development. That last time there was a reduction in the biosphere's ability to absorb carbon was 1998, when there was extensive burning of biomass worldwide, coupled with El Nino conditions.

    "In 2013 there are no obvious impacts on the biosphere so it is more worrying," said Oksana Tarasova.

    "We don't understand if this is temporary or if it is a permanent state, and we are a bit worried about that."

    "It could be that the biosphere is at its limit but we cannot tell that at the moment."

    The WMO data indicates that between 1990 and 2013 there was an 34% increase in the warming impact on the climate because carbon dioxide and other gases like methane and nitrous oxide survive for such a long time in the atmosphere.

    Among the network used by WMO is the Mauna Loa atmospheric station in Hawaii

    For the first time, the bulletin includes data on the acidification of the seas caused by carbon dioxide.

    Every day, according to the WMO, the oceans take up about 4kg of CO2 per person. They believe the current rate of acidification is unprecedented over the last 300 million years.

    The evidence of the atmosphere and oceans underlines the need for urgent, concentrated political action to tackle the problem says Michel Jarraud.

    "We have the knowledge and we have the tools for action to try keep temperature increases within 2C to give our planet a chance and to give our children and grandchildren a future," he said.

    "Pleading ignorance can no longer be an excuse for not acting."

    Road to Paris

    The world's political leaders will gather in New York on 23 September for a special summit called by UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon.

    The hope is that this meeting will kick-start longstanding negotiations that aim to deliver a new international climate change by the end of 2015.

    The exact legal nature of this agreement is still the subject of contentious debate.

    UK climate secretary Ed Davey has outlined the UK government's roadmap to an agreement set to be agreed in Paris at the end of next year.

    While stressing the need for that agreement to be "legally binding", Mr Davey explained that actual targets for emissions reductions may not be covered by that term.

    "We do believe that the foundations of the agreement have to be legally binding, so what that might be? That might be the rules. That might include the measurements, the monitoring and the verification and those sorts of things.

    "We would prefer the targets to be legally binding, we already have legally binding targets in the UK and we are trying to argue for more ambitious legally binding targets for the EU, but we recognise that other countries find that a little bit more challenging.

    "I think there's a lot of support for having something that is legally binding, it's just the extent of what is covered by that, is where the negotiations will be."

    Mr Davey stressed that a deal in Paris would not just help limit the impacts of global warming, it would kick-start a massive transition to low carbon energy production around the world.

    **참고(출처: 위키피디아)**

    1) 온실기체: 온실 기체(溫室氣體, greenhouse gases, GHG)는 대기권에서 지표에서 방사되는 적외선의 일부를 흡수함으로써 온실 효과를 일으키는 원인이 되는 기체를 총칭하여 온실 기체라고 한다.

    2) 주요온실기체온실효과를 일으키는 온실기체들 중에 이산화탄소는 주로 에너지사용 및 산업공정에서 발생하고, 메탄은 주로 폐기물, 농업 및 축산분야에서, 산화질소는 주로 산업공정과 비료사용으로 인해 발생되며, CFCsPFCsSF6 등은 냉매 및 세척용도의 사용으로부터 배출된다. 이 물질들 가운데 이산화탄소가가 전체 온실가스 배출량 중 80% 이상을 차지하고 있다.

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