(신앙) 바티칸은 동성애에 대한 새로운 시각을 수용할 것인가?아름다운 인생/종교 2014. 10. 14. 16:24
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-29603496
13 October 2014 Last updated at 20:23
Vatican family review signals shift on homosexuality 바티칸은 동성애에 대한 새로운 시각을 수용할 것인가?
Monsignor Bruno Forte, General Assembly of the Synod of the Bishops: "attitude of the church to welcome persons who have homosexual orientation" 몬시뇰 브루노 포르테, 주교시노드 총회: "동성애적 성향을 갖고 있는 사람들을 환영하는 교회의 태도"
Senior clerics taking part in a review of Catholic teachings on the family have called on the Church to adopt a more positive stance on homosexuality. 가정에 관한 교회의 가르침을 심의하는 모임에 참석하고 있는 고위성직자들은 교회가 동성애에 대해 좀더 긍정적인 입장을 취하라고 요청했다.
A preliminary report written by bishops during a Vatican synod said homosexuals had "gifts and qualities to offer". 바티칸 시노드 기간, 주교들이 작성한 사전 보고서에서, 주교들은 동성애자들도 "(세상과 교회에) 나눠줄 선물들과 자질들"을 갖고 있다고 천명했다.
The report does not challenge the Church's long-held opposition to same-sex marriage, but some gay rights groups hailed it as a breakthrough. 이 보고서는 그렇다고 교회가 오랫동안 간직해온 동성결혼 반대입장에 도전하지는 않았으나, 일부 게이 인권단체들은 이를 돌파구라고 여기며 환영하였다.
Conservative groups rejected the report, one labelling it a "betrayal". 그러나 보수적인 단체들은 이 보고서는 "(전통에 대한) 배신"이란 딱지를 붙이며, 인정하지 않았다.
More than 200 bishops have been taking part in the synod since 5 October. It was convened by Pope Francis to debate controversial issues such as abortion, contraception, homosexuality and divorce. 200명 이상의 주교들이 10월5일부터 시노드에 참석하고 있다. 이 시노드는 낙태, 피임, 동성애, 이혼 등과 같은 논란이 많은 문제들에 대해 논의하도록 프란시스 교황에 의해 소집되었다.
Monday's report, issued half-way through the two-week meeting, said: "Homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community. 2주간의 모임을 통해 중간결산 형식으로 만들어진 월요일의 보고서는 "동성애자들도 교회공동체에 기여할 수 있는 선물들과 자질들을 갖고 있다."고 천명했다.
"Are we capable of welcoming these people, guaranteeing to them a fraternal space in our communities?" "우리는 공동체에 이 사람들을 환영하고 형제적 공간을 확보해줄 수 있는가?"
Analysis: David Willey, BBC News, Rome 뉴스 분석
Pope Francis' emphasis on concentrating upon positive rather than negative aspects of human sexuality seems to have won over many bishops attending the synod.
His predecessor Pope Benedict referred to homosexual relationships as "intrinsically disordered" in a Vatican document written in 1986 - when Benedict was chief theological adviser to Pope John Paul II.
Pope Francis on the other hand told journalists returning from a Catholic Youth Festival in Rio de Janeiro last year: "If a person seeks God and has goodwill, then who am I to judge?"
Pope Francis is the first pontiff ever to have used the word "gay" in public rather than refer to "homosexuals".
Pope Francis was elected to lead the Church in 2013 after his predecessor Benedict XI retired
Breakthrough or betrayal? 돌파인가 배신인가?The document adds: "Without denying the moral problems connected to homosexual unions, it has to be noted that there are cases in which mutual aid to the point of sacrifice constitutes a precious support in the life of the partners."
Human Rights Campaign, a leading US gay rights organisation, said the document set a "dramatic new tone".
The London-based Catholic gay rights groups Quest called parts of it a "breakthrough".
However Voice Of The Family, a conservative Roman Catholic organisation, rejected the interim report as a "betrayal".
The group's co-founder John Smeaton called it one of the worst official documents drafted in Church history".
Last year, a survey launched by Pope Francis suggested that the majority of Catholics rejected Church teaching on issues such as sex and contraception.
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