
  • (신앙) 가톨릭 주교 시노드 실망스런 결과
    아름다운 인생/종교 2014. 10. 19. 16:18

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-29678751

    19 October 2014 Last updated at 01:32

    Catholic synod: Gay rights groups 'disappointed' 가톨릭 주교 시노드 실망스런 결과

    BBC's James Reynolds: This synod shows the Pope faces serious internal opposition 금번 시노드는 현 교황이 심각한 내부 반대를 받고 있음을 보여준다.

    Catholic gay rights groups say they are disappointed after bishops rejected a call for wider acceptance of gay people, which had the Pope's backing. 가톨릭 게이인권단체들은 이번에 주교들이 교황이 옹호해주는 게이들을 폭넓게 받아들이면 좋겠다는 요청을 거부한 것에 대해 실망했다고 말한다.

    The draft report, which also urged more tolerance for divorcees who remarried, failed to win two-thirds backing at the bishops' synod in Rome. 금번 로마 주교시노드에서, 재혼한 이혼자들에 대한 관용을 촉구한 바 있는 중간보고서는 3분의2 표를 얻는데 실패했다.

    The final report says only that anti-gay discrimination is "to be avoided". 최종 보고서는 게이에 대한 성적 차별은 "피해야"한다고만 말한다.

    Pope Francis has asked for the full draft document, including the rejected paragraphs, to be published. 교황 프란시스는 거부된 문단들도 최종본이 간행될 때 포함되어야 한다고 밝혔다.

    The synod will meet again in a year's time in an expanded form. 주교 시노드는 1년 내에 재개된다. 

    Some 200 bishops had spent two weeks discussing family life issues at the Vatican. 200 여명의 주교들이 바티칸에서 가정생활 문제들에 대해 2주 동안 토론하는 시간을 가졌다.

    The synod has revealed a fracture line in Church opinion over how to adapt traditional teaching on human sexuality to 21st Century attitudes, says the BBC's David Willey in Rome. 주교 시노드는 인간의 성에 대한 전통적 가르침을 21세기의 태도에 어떻게 적용할 것인가에 대한 의견이 대립하는 양상(골절라인)을 보였다.

    Pope Francis had made a powerful appeal to traditionalists not to lock themselves within the letter of the law, but conservative cardinals and bishops carried the day at the end of the synod, our correspondent adds. 교황 프란시스는 전통주의자들에게는 법의 문자 속에 갇히지 말라고 신신당부를 했다. 그러나 보수주의 추기경들과 주교들은 시노드의 끝에 승리를 거뒀다고, 통신원은 전한다.

    'Very disappointing' '너무 실망스러운'

    The New Ways Ministry, a US Catholic gay rights group, said it was "very disappointing" that the synod's final report had not retained "the gracious welcome to lesbian and gay people that the draft of the report included".

    But it added that the synod's "openness to discussion" provided "hope for further development down the road".

    Another group, DignityUSA, said in a statement: "Unfortunately, today, doctrine won out over pastoral need.

    "It is disappointing that those who recognised the need for a more inclusive Church were defeated."

    Although Pope Francis' proposals were rebuffed, they still gained more than 50% of the votes

    However, Christopher Lamb, from British Catholic journal The Tablet, told the BBC the discussion at the synod had been a "huge achievement in itself".

    It was important, he said, to remember that many of the bishops at the synod were from countries where homosexuality was illegal.

    "We have now got an acceptance that we need a new language in the Church when talking about gay couples and homosexuality in general," he added.


    Analysis: David Willey, BBC Vatican correspondent

    Voting figures for the final document at the end of the synod show that Pope Francis received a rebuff in his attempt to persuade Church leaders to support his more merciful attitudes towards gay and divorced people. However, more than half still voted in favour of his proposed reforms.

    Three crucial paragraphs in the final document all received more than 50% of the vote, although they failed to get the necessary two-thirds majority.

    This allows the necessary leeway for further discussion before the synod reconvenes in Rome in an expanded form in a year's time.

    Paragraph 55 of the final report, which has been rewritten many times during the past week, insists that although there can be no analogy between same-sex unions and marriage between a man and a woman, "men and women with homosexual tendencies must be welcomed with respect and delicacy".


    Speaking after the vote, Pope Francis told attendees he would have been "worried and saddened" had there not been "animated discussions" or if "everyone had been in agreement or silent in a false and acquiescent peace".

    In an address, he also cautioned against "hostile inflexibility... and not allowing oneself to be surprised by God".

    The draft report, a copy of which was published by the Catholic Herald newspaper, said homosexuals had "gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community".

    The synod has revealed divisions in Church opinion over how to approach family issues

    Conservative groups described this as a "betrayal".

    Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier of South Africa told Vatican radio on Friday "there were two issues that got people 'hot around the collar'".

    one was presenting homosexual unions as if they were a very positive thing," he said.

    The second issue related to broken marriages "and the fact that people should be facilitated to get access to the sacraments", he added.

    Holy See press officer Tom Rosica said the Pope's request to publish the full draft showed "the degree of maturity" of the discussion.

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