(아프리카) 부키나 파소: 프로파일(1) 개관국제문제/아프리카 2014. 11. 2. 14:10
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-13072774
29 October 2014 Last updated at 11:49
Burkina Faso profile 부키나 파소: 프로파일(1)
Overview 개관A poor country even by West African standards, landlocked Burkina Faso has suffered from recurring droughts and, until the 1980s, military coups. 부키나 파소는 西아프리카 기준에서 봤을 때도 가난한 나라로, 빈발하는 가뭄으로 그리고 1980년대까지는 군사쿠데타로 고통을 받아왔다.
Burkina Faso has significant reserves of gold, but cotton is the economic mainstay for many Burkinabes. 부키나 파소는 상당히 많은 금을 보요하고 있으나, 면이 민생 경제의 주 동력원이다.
This industry is vulnerable to changes in world prices.
A major challenge to the status quo came in 1983, when Capt Thomas Sankara seized power and adopted radical left-wing policies. 현재 당면한 최대의 문제는 1983년대장 토마스 산카라가 집권하고 극단적 좌익정책을 실시하면서 비롯되었다.
He renamed the country, previously Upper Volta. Its present name which translates as "land of honest men". 그는 이전의 국가명 <오트볼타>를 변경했다. 현재의 국명은 "정직한 사람들의 땅"이라는 의미를 갖고 있다.
In 1987 Mr Sankara was overthrown and killed in a coup by his erstwhile colleague Blaise Compaore, who went on to re-introduce a multi-party system.
Burkina Faso has faced domestic and external concern over the state of its economy and human rights, and allegations that it was involved in the smuggling of diamonds by rebels in Sierra Leone.
Troubles in neighbouring Ivory Coast have raised tensions, with Ivory Coast accusing its northern neighbour of backing rebels in the north and Burkina Faso accusing Ivory Coast of mistreating expatriate Burkinabes.
Burkina Faso has some gold resources but agriculture is an important part of the economy 부키나 파소에는 금광이 있으나 경제의 주동력은 농업이다
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