
  • (아프리카) 아이에스의 실세 아부 바클 알-바그다디
    국제문제/아프리카 2014. 10. 8. 16:47

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-28560449

    31 July 2014 Last updated at 01:58

    Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: Islamic State's driving force 아부 바클 알-바그다디: 아이에스의 실세

    On 5 July, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, known by his supporters as Caliph Ibrahim, left the shadows and showed his face for the first time, in a Friday sermon in Mosul, Iraq. 금년 7월 5일, 칼리프 이브라힘으로 지지자들로부터 불렸던 아부 바클 알-바그다디는 처음으로 이라크의 모술市에서 금요일 설교를 하면서 처음으로 얼굴을 드러냈다.

    While previous pictures of him had been leaked, Baghdadi had not shown himself in the four years since he became leader of what was then the jihadist Islamic State of Iraq (forerunner of Isis, then the Islamic State). 이전에 누출된 그의 사진들을 보면, 바그다디는 아이에스(前Isis)의 지도자가 된 후 4년간 공개석상에 얼굴을 드러내지 않았다.

    Before April 2013, Baghdadi also did not release many audio messages. 2013년 4월까지, 그는 많은 오디오 메세지도 남기지 않았다.

    His first written statement was a eulogy to Osama Bin Laden in May 2011. 그가 처음으로 쓴 성명은 2011년 5월 오사마 빈 라덴의 추도사였다.

    His first audio message was released in July 2012 and predicted future victories for the Islamic State. 그의 첫 오디오 메세지는 2012년 7월에 공개되었고 아이에스의 미래 승리를 예언했다.

    Since the group's resurgence, which began 15 months ago, Baghdadi's media output has risen. The amount of specific information about his background has also increased. 15개월전 아이에스가 재기한 이래, 바그다디의 언론보도는 늘어났다. 그에 관한 알려지지 않았던 정보의 양도 덩달아 크게 늘었다.

    'Descendant of the Prophet' '예언자의 후손'

    In July 2013, a Bahraini ideologue Turki al-Binali, writing under the pen name Abu Humam Bakr bin Abd al-Aziz al-Athari, wrote a biography of Baghdadi. 2013년 7월, 바레인출신 이론가 털키 알-바나리는 아부 후맘 바크르 빈 압드 알-아지즈 알-아타리란 필명으로, 바그다디의 전기를 썼다.

    Prior to his appearance in Mosul, there were only two known photographs of Baghdadi 그가 모술에 모습을 드러내기 전에는, 오직 2장의 사진만 공개된 게 있었다

    It highlighted Baghdadi's family history which claims that Baghdadi was indeed a descendant of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad's Quraysh tribe - one of the key qualifications in Islamic history for becoming the caliph (historically, leader of all Muslims). 그의 전기는 바그다디의 가문역사를 조명했는데, 그는 진실로 무슬림 예언자 무하마드의 쿠라이시 가문(族) - 역사적으로 모든 무슬림들의 지도자인 칼리프가 되기 위해 이슬람의 역사에서 핵심적 자격요건인  - 의 자손이라고 주장한다. 

    It said that Baghdadi came from the al-Bu Badri tribe, which is primarily based in Samarra and Diyala, north and east of Baghdad respectively, and known historically for being descendants of Muhammad. 전기작가는 바그다디는 알-부 바드리 族출신으로, 이 부족은 본래 사마라와 디얄라 즉 바그다드의 북쪽과 동쪽에 기원하고 있으며, 역사적으로 무하마드의 후손들이 살던 곳으로 알려진 곳이라, 기술했다.

    Turki al-Binali's tract continued by highlighting that prior to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, Baghdadi received his PhD from the Islamic University of Baghdad, with a focus on Islamic culture, history, sharia, and jurisprudence. 작가의 책자는 계속해서, 2003년 미국의 이라크 침공前 바그다디가 바그다드의 이슬람 대학교에서 이슬람 문화 역사 율법 사법체계에 관한 박사학위를 받았다는 점을 강조했다.

    Baghdadi preached at the Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal Mosque in Samarra. 바그다디는 사마라에 있는 이맘 아맛 이빈 한발 사원에서 설교했다.

    Baghdadi does not have credentials from esteemed Sunni religious establishments such as al-Azhar University in Cairo or the Islamic University of Medina in Saudi Arabia. 바그다디는 카이로에 있는 알-아자르 대학교나 사우디 아라비아 메디나의 이슬람 대학교와 같은 권위 있는 순니派 종교단체로부터 받은 자격증은 소지하고 있지 않다.

    Nonetheless, he is more steeped in traditional Islamic education than either al-Qaeda's past and current leaders, Osama Bin Laden and Aymen al-Zawahiri, both laymen and an engineer and doctor respectively. 그럼에도, 그는 알카에다의 과거와 현재 지도자들, 오사마 빈 라덴이나 아이멘 알-자와히리 - 둘 다 평신도로서 엔지니어이자 의사임 - 보다 이슬람 전통 교육을 풍부히 받은 편이다.

    This has conferred on Baghdadi a higher level of praise, worthiness, and legitimacy among his supporters. 이 점때문에 추종자들이 바그다디에게 찬사와 자격 그리고 합법성을 부여하였던 것이다.

    Rise to top 최고자리에 오르기까지

    Following the US invasion of Iraq, Baghdadi, along with some associates, created Jamaat Jaysh Ahl al-Sunnah wa-l-Jamaah (JJASJ) - the Army of the Sunni People Group - which operated in Samarra, Diyala, and Baghdad. 미국의 이라크 침공 뒤, 바그다디는 자신의 추종자들과 함께 사마라, 디얄라, 바그다드에서 작전을 했던 순니派그룹의 군대인 자마앗 자이시 아흘 알-순나 왈-자마를 창설했다.

    Within the group, Baghdadi was the head of the sharia committee. US-led coalition forces detained him from February to December 2004, but released him since he was not viewed as a high-level threat. 이 조직 안에서, 바그다디는 샤리아(이슬람 율법) 위원회의 위원장이었다. 미국이 주도한 연합세력은 그를 2004년 2월부터 12월20일까지 구금했다가 그가 아주 큰 위협이 되지 않는다고 판단하여 풀어주었다.

    After al-Qaeda in the Land of Two Rivers (al-Qaeda in Iraq) changed its name to Majlis Shura al-Mujahidin (Mujahideen Shura Council) in early 2006, JJASJ's leadership pledged baya (oath of allegiance) to it and joined the umbrella organisation. 

    Within the new structure, Baghdadi joined the sharia committees. But soon after the organisation announced another change to its name in late 2006 to the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), Baghdadi became the general supervisor of the sharia committees for the wilayats (provinces) within the new "state" as well as a member of ISI's senior consultative council.

    When ISI's leader Abu Umar al-Baghdadi died in April 2010, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi succeeded him.

    Place in history?

    Since taking over the leadership of the Islamic State, Baghdadi has rebuilt and reinvigorated a battered organisation after the Sunni tribal sahwa (awakening) against it, which was then consolidated by the US military surge.

    Compared with the Islamic State's first attempt at governance last decade, thus far, while still brutal, it is doing a better job, though questions still remain about its longer-term sustainability.

    Under Baghdadi, the Islamic State has become one of the most formidable jihadist groups in the world

    Part of this is related to augmenting its cruel judicial punishments with a social service regime to create more soft power, but also to have a carrot to its stick.

    Likewise, as a lesson from the tribal awakening, the Islamic State over the past couple of years has either assassinated key leaders within the sahwa movement or brokered "repentances" from those that would like to join the organisation.

    This, in ways, has helped blunt more of the potential for a large-scale uprising similar to last decade, though there have been calls and rumours that some tribal elements that have not "repented" will take on the Islamic State.

    Moreover, if one looks at the locations that the Islamic State has targeted to take over or currently controls, many are along both the Euphrates and Tigris rivers as well as areas that have oil in both Iraq and Syria.

    Baghdadi and the rest of the Islamic State leadership realise that if one has a monopoly on the energy (whether for human consumption or electrically powered devices) along with its growing military might, it is a lot easier to consolidate its writ, even if parts of the population disagree with its ideological project.

    While we may not know the future of the Islamic State, it is clear that Baghdadi has steered the organisation back to prominence. In many ways, he has eclipsed even the founder of the group Abu Musab al-Zarqawi last decade in prestige, resources, and potential for the future.

    His true significance will likely come more to light following his death, since, as we have seen with al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri has had a difficult time replacing Bin Laden.

    For now, the Islamic State's "Caliph" is the new star of the ascendant "Caliphate Project".

    Aaron Y Zelin is the Richard Borow Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and the Rena and Sami David Fellow at the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence. He is the founder of Jihadology.net. Follow him @azelin

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