(아시아/일본) 일본 과거 사고 났던 원자로 내년 재가동국제문제/아시아 2014. 11. 7. 16:23
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-29947564
7 November 2014 Last updated at 07:15
Japan governor approves Sendai reactor restart 일본 센다이 원자로 재가동 승인
Protests outside government offices on Friday showed there is still anti-nuclear sentiment amongst the Japanese public 금요일 정부청사 밖에서 벌어진 시위는 일본 대중들 사이에는 反핵 정서가 존재함을 보여주고 있다Two reactors at Japan's Sendai nuclear plant are set to become the first to be restarted since the 2011 meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear facility. 일본 센다이 핵발전소의 원자로 2대가 2011년 후쿠시카 핵시설에서 녹아내린 뒤 처음으로 재가동에 들어갈 예정이다.
The governor of Japan's Kagoshima prefecture gave his approval, marking the final hurdle for the restart which is now likely to happen next year. 일본 후쿠시마 현의 현장은 내년에 원자로가 재가동 하도록 마지막 조치인 승인을 해주었다.
Before the accident, caused by a massive quake and tsunami, about 30% of Japan's power was nuclear-generated. 많은 지진과 스나미로 초래된 그 사고 전까지 일본 전력의 약 30%가 원자력이었다.
All 48 plants were shut down but PM Shinzo Abe has lobbied for a restart. 48개 모든 원자력 발전소가 문을 닫았다. 그러나 신조 아베 수상은 재가동 하도록 로비를 벌여왔다.
Despite public anxiety, earlier this year Mr Abe's government approved an energy plan backing the use of nuclear power. 많은 사람들이 불안을 느낌에도 불구하고, 금년초 아베 정부는 원자력 사용을 옹호하는 에너지 플랜을 승인한 바 있다.
Local authorities were given the final say on whether to restart their commercial plants. The town where the plant is and its overseeing city had already voted in favour.
"I have decided that it is unavoidable to restart the No. 1 and No. 2 Sendai nuclear reactors," Kagoshima Governor Yuichiro Ito told a news conference on Friday, reported Reuters news agency.
"I have said that assuring safety is a prerequisite and that the government must ensure safety and publicly explain it thoroughly to residents."
The Sendai plant in Satsumasendai will undergo further checks before it goes live
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has argued that the nuclear shutdown is hurting Japan's economy
The reactors, operated by Kyushu Electric Power, will likely restart next year as further operational checks need to be passed.
In a vote on Friday 38 out of 47 of the Kagoshima's prefectural assembly backed the restarting of the reactors.
Protesters present in the assembly hall stood up before the vote with pink signs that said "NO restart", reported Reuters. Yelling from opponents drowned out the final vote.
In September, Japanese regulators gave the Sendai reactors their final approval saying safety standards introduced after the Fukushima disaster had been met.
Mr Abe's government has argued that the shutdown has hurt the economy, forcing Japan to import expensive fossil fuels to make up the power shortfall.
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