(테크놀로지) 스마트 계량기는 IT재앙이 될 수 있다고, 영국관리자협회는 지적한다과학과 테크놀로지/테크놀로지 2015. 3. 28. 13:41
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-32090577
27 March 2015
Smart meter scheme could be IT disaster, says IoD 스마트 계량기 (사업을) (추진하겠다는) 계획은 IT 재앙이 될 수 있다고, 관리자협회는 말한다
Nearly 1.4 million UK households have already had a smart meter fitted 영국에선 이미 대략 140만 가구가 스마트 계량기를 사용하고 있다
The government's smart meter scheme could be an "IT disaster", the Institute of Directors (IoD) has said. (영국)정부의 스마트 계량기 추진계획은 "IT재앙"이 될 수 있다고, 관리자협회(IoD)는 말한다.
The risks involved with "the largest UK government-run IT project in history" were "staggering", a report said. 영국 역사상 영국정부 최대의 IT프로젝트와 관련된 위험들은 믿기 어려운(충격적인) 것이었다고, 이 단체의 보고서는 밝힌다.
It recommended that the government drastically scale back the programme or abandon it altogether. 이 보고서는 정부가 과감(철저)하게 이 프로그램을 축소하거나 전부 폐기할 것을 제안하고 있다.
Smart Energy GB, the independent body set up to publicise smart meters, said the IoD wanted to take the UK "back to an analogue dark age".
Energy-saving digital smart meters, designed to replace existing analogue gas and electricity meters, should help householders to monitor their energy-use far more accurately, and energy companies to do away with estimated bills.
'Technological innovation' '테크놀로지 혁신'
By some estimates, the new meters could save us £17bn on our energy bills.
But the IoD believes the government's plan to roll out smart meters to all 30 million UK households by 2020 is far too ambitious.
"The pace of technological innovation may well leave the current generation of meters behind and leave consumers in a cycle of installation, de-installation and re-installation," it said.
Under the scheme, energy companies must begin offering free smart meters to their customers from the autumn. Despite the £11bn estimated cost to the industry, it will not be compulsory to have one.
Responding to the IoD report, Sacha Deshmukh, chief executive of Smart Energy GB, said: "The IoD does not understand what's needed to secure Britain's energy infrastructure for the future.
"The smart meter rollout must be for everybody. It will only deliver the national transformation Britain needs if every home is part of this national upgrade."
Nearly 1.4 million households have already had a smart meter installed, he added.
Costly mistake? 값비싼 댓가를 치르는 실수인가?
But the IoD isn't the only body concerned about the smart meter programme.
Earlier this month, the Parliament's Energy and Climate Change Committee said the project was in danger of becoming a costly mistake.
The MPs are concerned that allowing each energy company to come up with its own smart meter solution, rather than adopting an industry-wide approach, could lead to inefficiency and further delay.
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