(테크놀로지) 무인기로 유튜브에 동영상 실시간 전송과학과 테크놀로지/테크놀로지 2015. 4. 9. 20:15
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-32221363
8 April 2015
DJI Phantom 3 drones stream live video to YouTube 무인기(DJI Phantom 3)로 유튜브에 동영상 실시간 전송
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DJI has refreshed its family of drones with new models that are easier to take off and land. DJI社는 기존 모델보다 이착륙이 용이한 새로운 모델의 무인기를 출시했다
The Phantom 3 quadcopters also gain the ability to hold their position without using a GPS location signal, making them more suitable for indoor use. 판톰 쓰리 쿼드콥터(역자註: 쿼드콥터=프로펠러가 4개인 헬기)는 GPS 위치 시그널 없이 자신의 위치를 고정시킬 수 있는 능력을 갖고 있어, 실내용으로 더욱 적합하다.
And the app that controls the camera-equipped machines has been updated to allow live video streams to YouTube. 카메라가 장착된 무인기들을 통제하는 앱은 업데이트 되어 실시간으로 동영상을 유튜브에 전송해 준다.
However one expert suggested more should be done to protect the public from such remote-controlled aircraft. 그러나 한 전문가는 이와 같은 원격조정 항공기로부터 대중을 보호하려면 뭔가 좀더 필요하다고 지적한다.
China-based DJI is the bestselling brand of drones in what is a fast-growing sector, with hobbyists, farmers, film-makers and land surveyors among its customers. 중국 심천에 본사를 두고 있는 DJI(따지앙추앙신크어지여우시앤꽁쓰:大疆创新科技有限公司/대강창신과기유한공사)는 무인기 분야에서 세계적으로 잘 나가는 기업으로, 애호가들, 농부들, 영화제작자들, 토지조사하는 담당자들이 주 고객들이다.
The firm found itself at the centre of a security scare earlier this year when one of its previous models crashed into the lawn of the White House. 이 기업은 이전 모델의 무인기가 백악관의 잔디밭에 추락했던 금년초 안전이 문제된다는 걸 깨달았다.
Live video feed
DJI has unveiled two versions of its latest aircraft, which offer different video recording capabilities. DJI는 최근 두 가지 버전의 무인기를 출시했는데 기존과 다른 동영상 녹화기능이 들어있다.
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DJI suggests that the new drone could be used to film a wedding indoors 새로 출시된 무인기 팬텀3는 실내 결혼식을 녹화하는데 사용될 수 있다고 밝힌다.
The Phantom 3 Professional, which costs $1,259 (£842), can shoot in 4K at 30 frames per second. 팬텀3프로페셔널은 가격이 1,259달러(842파운드)로, 매 2초마다 30개 프레임에서 4K 해상도로 촬영할 수 있다.
The ultra high definition format is four times the resolution of 1080p HD, which offers video-makers greater leeway to crop and pan across their footage after it has been shot. (본 무인기의) 초고화질 포맷은 1080p HD의 4배 해상도로, 동영상 제작자들은 촬영을 마친 후, (영상을) 좀더 쉽게 잘라내어 보여줄 수 있는 여지를 마련해 준다.
The Phantom 3 Advanced, which costs $999 (£668), films at 1080p at 60 frames per second. This is lower resolution but better suited for slow-mo effects. The Professional model's camera can also be placed in this setting. 일반 팬텀3어드밴스트는 999달러(668파운드)로, 매 2초마다 60 프레임에서 1080p로 촬영한다. 이 모델은 해상도가 (프로페셔널보다) 다소 떨어지나 슬로우모션 효과를 위해선 더 적합하다. 프로페셔널 모델에 이용하는 카메라를 어드밴스트 모델에 장착해 사용할 수 있다.
The lenses used by both aircraft are better suited for low-light conditions than earlier models. In addition, the new software allows owners to tag the best footage as it is recorded, making it easier to put together a fast edit.
DJI said that footage could be streamed to YouTube in 720p quality when the drone is up to one mile (1.6km) away from its controllers with almost no lag - a facility it suggested could make it a useful tool for journalists covering disasters and protests, and for mining and construction industry managers wanting to direct surveying efforts remotely.
DJI is also promoting the drone's ability to carry out indoor flights.
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A tablet app can be used to stream live footage captured by the drone via YouTube
"The platform has a downward-facing camera that creates a 3D map of the ground underneath it in real-time, and identifies key vectors in that map and notices if there's any movement of those vectors," DJI spokesman Michael Perry told the BBC.
"So it automatically adjusts itself to hold a position.
"In addition, it's got two ultrasonic sensors that provide very accurate information about how far it is off the ground, which allows it to hover a lot more accurately, fly closer to the ground without having the platform bump up and down, and more importantly it lets you take off and land easily and securely with the touch of a button."
Drone injuries
DJI competes against Parrot, Walkera and Xinte among others, which all allow users to fit their aircraft with standalone cameras.
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The flying wifi camera: Testing Parrot's new HD drone
Rising sales of such devices have led to safety concerns.
In April 2014 an athlete said she suffered head injuries when a drone that had been filming her race in Australia fell to the ground.
And in December, a US newspaper photographer said the tip of her nose was "chipped off" after an accident involving drones flown inside a restaurant.
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DJI is marketing its latest drones as being tools that could be used to film sports events
Following the accident at the White House in January, DJI updated the firmware used by its Phantom 2 drones to prevent them from flying over much of Washington DC.
The firm highlighted that it also continued to expand a wider list of no-fly zones, which is built into its latest models.
However, it suggested government watchdogs needed to offer clearer guidance.
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A drunk government worker crashed a DJI drone into the White House's lawn in January
"We feel fundamentally that this industry will not reach its full potential until there is a clear and coherent regulatory framework put in place," said Mr Perry.
"I think the UK has taken some pretty significant strides - it has established a clear criteria for pilot qualifications, which are needed [alongside an approved request application] to be allowed to fly over a crowd or in a downtown area.
"But there is a patchwork of regulations around the globe, which only agree on one thing: flying near airports is dangerous."
Safer designs
Mr Perry noted that DJI drones sold in the UK were packaged with a pamphlet written by the Civil Aviation Authority, that sets out the restrictions under which they can be used.
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The Phantom 3 drones will become available for delivery later this month
But one expert said the industry at large had a responsibility to do more.
"Recommendations are already being fed into the European Union to come up with a unified approach that will allow novel technologies and also protect people," said Dr Mirko Kovac, from Imperial College London's Aerial Robotics Lab.
"But the more hobbyists and other people that use drones, the harder it is to control.
"And what we need are more technological developments to ensure safety, particularly through the design of the aircraft as well as the sensors they use... to make the drones themselves inherently safe."
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