(건강/호주) 호주 건강 블로거 자신이 말기암 앓았다는 사실 조작했다고 실토국제문제/오세아니아 2015. 4. 28. 15:46
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-32420070
23 April 2015
Australian health blogger admits faking terminal cancer 호주 건강 블로거 자신이 말기암 앓았다는 사실을 조작했다고 실토
Belle Gibson claimed to have suffered from several different cancers 벨 깁슨 여러 가지 암을 앓았다고 주장해왔다
An Australian "wellness" blogger who built a successful business on claims she survived terminal cancer has admitted she never had the disease. 말기암에서 생존했다고 주장한 바를 기초로 사업에서 성공을 거둔 호주의 한 "건강" 블로거가 자신은 결코 그런 질병을 앓은 적이 없음을 시인했다.
"None of it's true", Belle Gibson told Australia's Women's Weekly magazine in an interview. "그 어떤 것도 사실이 아니다."고 벨 깁슨은 호주의 주간여성잡지와 인터뷰에서 밝혔다.
Ms Gibson chronicled her battle with cancer on a blog, The Whole Pantry, which spawned an app and recipe book. 깁슨은 자신의 블로그에 암과의 투쟁을 연재하였다. 호울 팬트리(모든 식료품저장창고란 뜻)는 앱과 요리책을 낳았다.
But doubts about her claims surfaced after she failed to deliver a promised $300,000 donation to charity. 그러나 그녀가 30만 달러를 자선단체에 희사하기로 약속했음에도 지키지 않은 뒤로 암에서 치유되었다는 주장에 대한 의혹이 등장했다.
"I am still jumping between what I think I know and what is reality," Ms Gibson said in the interview, her first since the story was called into question. "나는 아직도 내가 알고 있다고 생각하는 것과 현실 사이를 왔다갔다 한다."고 깁슨은 인터뷰에서 말했다. 이 이야기는 의혹을 사게 되었다.
"I have lived it and I'm not really there yet," she said.
'I don't want forgiveness' '난 용서를 바라지 않는다'
Ms Gibson rose to prominence in 2013 after claiming she was treating her malignant brain cancer with whole foods and alternative therapies. 깁슨은 악성뇌종양을 순전히 음식과 대체 테라피로 치료했다고 밝힌 후 2013년 유명해졌다.
She went on to build a huge following on social media for her recipes and so-called "wellness" tips.
But when pressed to show medical records to back up her story, she refused.
"I don't want forgiveness," Ms Gibson told Woman's Weekly, adding that she was speaking out because it was "the responsible thing to do".
"Above anything, I would like people to say, 'Okay, she's human.'"
The reasons for her actions remain largely unexplained - she gave few details about why she lied so publicly, apart from referring to a "troubled" childhood.
Woman's Weekly speculated that she might be suffering from a psychological disorder in which people seek attention by faking illness.
Why do people make up illnesses?
There is a psychological condition called factitious disorder in which a person deliberately and consciously acts as if he or she has a physical or mental illness, including creating or exaggerating symptoms.
Melissa Keogh, a clinical psychologist in Melbourne, says: "People who are healthy and well-adjusted don't have to create illnesses to get attention or for financial gain.
"People who do this kind of thing - it usually comes back to early childhood trauma or distress. If you trace it back, there is usually some kind of attachment disorder."
Ms Keogh says to the layperson it may look like fraud, but in many cases there are some underlying psychological conditions, including a personality disorder or elements of narcissism.
Ms Gibson's recipe book was withdrawn by Penguin in March and her app was removed by Apple from its online store.
Ahead of the interview's publication on Thursday, the magazine said the blogger had "cried easily and muddled her words" whenever challenged.
"She says she is passionate about avoiding gluten, dairy and coffee, but doesn't really understand how cancer works," it said.
Ms Gibson's partner, Clive Rothwell, did not know about her deception, according to Australia's News Ltd, which appeared to have obtained the full interview ahead of publication.
She said he was "supportive, but obviously very devastated", according to the site.
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