(유럽) 서방의 불참에도 러시아 군대 제2차세계대전 대독일전 승리70주년기념 행진국제문제/유럽 2015. 5. 9. 23:32
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-32668511
11 minutes ago: Saturday, May 9, 2015
Russia stages massive WW2 parade despite Western boycott 서방의 불참에도 러시아가 선보인 제2차 세계대전 戰勝70주년 기념행진
The parade is a chance for Russia to show her continuing military might, as Lyse Doucet reports 이번 행진은 러시아가 계속 막강한 군사적 패권을 유지하고 있음을 보여주는 계기라고, 리스 두세는 전한다.
Russia has staged its biggest military parade, marking 70 years since victory over Nazi Germany in World War Two. 러시아는 제2차세계대전에서 나치독일에 대한 戰勝70주년을 맞아, 최대규모의 군사행진을 보여주었다.
Thousands of troops marched across Red Square in Moscow, and new armour was displayed for the first time. 수 천명의 병사들이 모스크바의 붉은 광장을 행진했으며 새로운 무기들이 처음으로 배치되었다.
Many foreign dignitaries were present, but most Western leaders stayed away because of Russia's role in Ukraine. 많은 외국 고위인사들이 참석했으나, 우크라이나에서 러시아가 해온 역할 때문에, 대부분 서방지도자들은 불참했다.
President Vladimir Putin said global co-operation had been put at risk in recent years. His Ukrainian counterpart accused him of justifying aggression. 글로벌 협력을 말했던 블라디미르 푸틴 대통령은 최근 수년 간 위험에 처해있다. 그의 우크라이나 상대방은 그가 공격을 합리화하고 있다고 비난한 바 있다.
Russia denies claims by the West that it is arming rebels in eastern Ukraine. More than 6,000 people have been killed since fighting began in April 2014 in Ukraine's Donetsk and Luhansk regions. 러시아는 우크라이나 동부에 있는 반군세력들에게 무기를 제공한다는 서방의 의혹을 인정하지 않는다. 2014년 4월 우크라이나의 도넷스크와 루한스크 지역에서 전투가 시작된 이래 6천명 이상이 사망했다.
Show of strength 힘의 과시
In his opening speech, President Putin paid tribute to the sacrifices of Soviet troops during World War Two. He also thanked "the people of Great Britain, France and the United States for their contribution to victory". 개막연설에서, 푸틴 대통령은 제2차세계대전 당시 소련군의 희생에 경의를 표했다. 그는 "함께 독일전 승전에 기여한 영국, 프랑스, 미국군인들"에게 감사를 표했다.
But he added: "In recent decades the basic principles of international co-operation have been ignored ever more frequently. We see how a military-bloc mentality is gaining momentum." 그러나 그는 "최근 몇 십년간 국제협력의 기본원칙들이 너무 자주 무시되었다. 우리는 군사엽합(밀리터리 블록)이 어떻게 활력을 찾고 있는지 보고 있다."고 덧붙였다.
The remarks echo previous complaints by Mr Putin about what he says are efforts by the US and its Nato allies to encircle Russia militarily. 이런 발언들은 그 자신이 이전에 불평했던 것들을 보여주고 있으며, 그가 지금 말하고자 하는 것은 자국을 군사적으로 포위하기 위해 미국과 나토 동맹이 행했던 노력들이다.
Meanwhile, at a wreath-laying ceremony in Kiev, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko condemned Russia's portrayal of his government as fascist over the past year. 그 동안, 키에브에서의 헌화식에서, 우크라이나 대통령 페트로 포로센코는 러시아가 과거에 자국 정부를 파시스트로 비유한 것을 비난한 바 있다.
"Obviously this is done with one aim alone - to justify... the Russian aggression against Ukraine." "분명히 이번 행사는 목적이 단 하나 즉 러시아의 우크라이나에 대한 공격을 합리화하는 것이다."
A spectacular fly by featured more that 100 warplanes, including long-range bombers 장거리 폭격기를 포함해 전투기 100 대 이상이 선보인 시범비행
Intercontinental ballistic missile were also on show 대륙간 탄도 미사일도 선보임.
President Putin (centre) sat alongside the presidents of China (third left) and Kazakhstan (far right) 푸틴 대통령(중앙)이 중국 국가주석(왼쪽에서 세번 째)과 카자흐스탄 대통령(맨 오른쪽)과 나란히 앉아 있다.
The victory parade in Moscow started at 10:00 local time (07:00 GMT). Chinese President Xi Jinping, President Pranab Mukherjee of India and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon were among more than 20 world leaders watching the event.
Military units from across Russia - some dressed in WW2-era uniforms - marched, and more than 100 aircraft flew over Red Square.
BBC diplomatic correspondent Bridget Kendall, Moscow:
Compare this year's foreign guest list with previous years. This time, instead of Russia's European wartime allies, standing next to President Putin was the Chinese President, Xi Jinping.
Other VIPs included the presidents of India, Egypt, and South Africa, Central Asian leaders, and longstanding Russian friends like Cuba and Venezuela.
Most Western leaders stayed away in protest at Russia's actions in Ukraine, sending their ambassadors to the parade instead.
Some denied it was a boycott, but the message was clear. "It wouldn't be appropriate for Western leaders to stand on a military podium with Mr Putin after Russia's annexation of Crimea," said one European diplomat.
Also on show was the new, hi-tech Armata battle tank, which has a remote-controlled gun turret and reinforced capsule for the crew, as well as the RS-24 Yars intercontinental ballistic missiles - each capable of delivering three nuclear warheads.
In a sign of closer ties between Russia and China, a column of Chinese troops marched in Moscow for the first time.
Chinese soldiers marched in Moscow for the first time 처음으로 중국군대가 모스크바에서 행진을 하고 있다
In pictures: Russian WW2 Victory Day
Russia's Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 러시아의 애국 전쟁 1941년부터 1945년까지
- 22 June 1941: Nazi German troops invade Soviet Union, despite 1939 non-aggression pact 1941년 6월22일: 1939년의 상호불가침조약에도 불구하고, 나치독일군 소련 침공.
- Winter of 1942-43: German advance blocked at Stalingrad, south Russia - about two million soldiers and civilians die in long battle 1942년에서 1943년 겨울: 독일군의 공격이 남부 러시아 스탈린그라드에서 막혔고, 이 때 2백만의 군인들과 민간들이 긴 교전에서 사망.
- 1944: Soviet offensive spreads across Eastern Europe as German troops retreat
- 21 April 1945: Soviet troops enter Berlin 소련군 베를린에 입성.
- 30 April 1945: Hitler commits suicide 히틀러 자살.
- More than 60 million war dead globally - heaviest losses were Soviet, an estimated 26 million 6천만이 넘는 사람들이 제2차 세계대전 동안 전세계적으로 죽었다. 최대의 희생자는 러시아인들이었는데, 2,600만 명이 죽은 것으로 추산된다.
BBC News asked two senior officials about the rift between Russia and the West - EU ambassador Vygaudas Usackas (first speaker) and Russian foreign policy adviser Andrei Klimov
Military parades on a smaller scale were also held in other cities, including Sevastopol in Crimea - Ukraine's southern peninsula annexed by Russia in 2014 - as well as the Ukrainian rebel-held cities of Donetsk and Luhansk.
The US, Australia, Canada and most EU leaders avoided the celebrations in Russia - despite invitations - because of Moscow's alleged involvement in the Ukraine crisis.
On Friday, Poland organised an alternative event for those leaders who refused to go to Moscow.
Events in Gdansk were attended by the presidents of several countries, including Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Romania and Ukraine. Mr Ban, the UN chief, was also there.
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