
  • (아프리카) 이슬람국가 대원들 유럽에 잠입
    국제문제/아프리카 2015. 5. 18. 02:17

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-32770390

    7 hours ago: Sunday, May 17, 2015

    Islamic State militants 'smuggled to Europe' 이슬람국가 대원들 유럽에 잠입


    Smugglers hide IS militants on boats filled with migrants, Abdul Basit Haroun says 밀수꾼들이 이주자들이 탄 배에 이슬람국가 대원들을 숨기고 있다고, 압둘 바싯 하룬은 말한다

    Islamic State (IS) fighters are being smuggled into Europe by gangs in the Mediterranean, an adviser to the Libyan government has told the BBC. 이슬람국가 전사들이 지중해에 있는 조직폭력배들로부터 도움을 받아 유럽으로 잠입하고 있다고, 리비아정부 어드바이져가 비비시에 전했다 

    Abdul Basit Haroun said smugglers were hiding IS militants on boats filled with migrants. 압둘 바싯 하룬은 밀수업자들이 이주자들이 탄 배에 이슬람국가 전사들을 숨겼다고 말했다.

    Officials in Italy and Egypt have previously warned that IS militants could reach Europe by migrant boat. 이태리와 에집트의 관리들은 전에 이슬람국가 전사들이 이주자들이 탄 배로 유럽에 들어올 수 있다고 경고한 적이 있다.

    However, experts have cautioned that it is very difficult to verify or assess such claims. 그러나, 전문가들은 그런 주장이 사실인지 입증하는 것은 굉장히 어렵다고 조심스럽게 말했다.

    Mr Haroun based his claim on conversations with smugglers in parts of North Africa controlled by the militants. 하룬씨의 얘기는 이슬람국가 대원들이 장악한 남아프리카의 밀수업자들과 대화를 나눈 바에 근거하고 있다.

    He alleged that IS was allowing the boat owners to continue their operations in exchange for half of their income. 이슬람국가는 배의 주인들에게서 수입의 50%를 받는 댓가로 영업을 허락했다고 주장했다.

    IS operates in several parts of Libya, including the eastern city of Derna 이슬람국가는 데르나의 동부 도시를 포함해 리비야의 여러 지역에서 활동하고 있다

    About 60,000 people are estimated to have tried to cross the Mediterranean this year, fleeing conflict and poverty. Since the 2011 uprising, Libya has been without a stable government, and the chaos has allowed trafficking networks there to thrive. (정치적) 갈등과 가난을 피해서, 금년 한 해 대략 6만명의 사람들이 지중해를 건널 것으로 추산하고 있다. 2011년 봉기이래, 리비야는 정부가 불안정하며, 혼란을 틈타 밀매조직이 판을 치고 있다.

    In an interview with BBC Radio 5 live Investigates, Mr Haroun said IS used the boats "for their people who they want to send to Europe, as the European police don't know who is from IS and who is a normal refugee or not". 비비시 라디오 5와의 인터뷰에서, 하룬씨는 유럽경찰들은 누가 이슬람국가 대원인지 누가 일반 피난민인지 아닌지 알 수 없기 때문에, 이슬람국가는유럽으로 가기를 원하는 자기네 사람들을 위해 보트들을 이용했다고 말했다. 

    These militants often sat separately from the other migrants, he said. 이들 대원들은 다른 이주자들과 떨어져서 앉았다고, 그는 전했다.


    Migrants in numbers 이주자 숫자

    • More than 1,800 people are feared to have died crossing the Mediterranean in 2015 so far - a 20-fold increase on the same period in 2014 1,800명 이상의 사람들이 2015년 지금까지 지중해를 건너는 것을 두려워했다. 이 수치는 2014년 같은 기간 20배가 증가한 셈이다.
    • At least 218,000 reached Europe by the Mediterranean Sea in 2014, and about 60,000 have this year so far 최소한 21만8천명의 사람들이 2014년 지중해를 통해 유럽에 갔다. 그리고 약 6만명이 금년 지금까지 유럽에 갔다.
    • Italy received more than 170,000 of the 2014 arrivals, large numbers of which were from Syria and Eritrea 이태리는 2014년도에 도착했던 17만명보다 더 많은 사람들이 도착했는데, 대부분이 시리아와 에리트레아에서 온 사람들이다.

    Source: The UN refugee agency; International Organization for Migration

    Analysis: Are IS militants using migrant boats?

    How strong is IS in Libya?


    Earlier this year, the EU's border control agency, Frontex, warned that it was "possible" that foreign fighters were using irregular migration routes to get into Europe. 금년초, EU의 국경통제국 Frontex는 해외 전사들이 유럽에 진입하기 위해 비정상적인 이주 경로를 이용하는 건 "가능한"일이라고 경고한 바 있다.

    Egypt's ambassador to the UK has warned of "boats full of terrorists" if the international community does not act, while the Italian government has expressed fears of militants infiltrating the boats, while emphasising that the boats are a humanitarian crisis.

    However, experts have cautioned that both countries have an interest in influencing the international response to the Libya crisis, and that it is difficult to verify the threat without evidence.

    "Egypt is particularly keen to amplify the threat of Islamic State in Libya as it is desperately seeking approval for international intervention in the country," Alison Pargeter, an analyst focusing on Libya for the Royal United Services Institute, a British defence think tank, told the BBC earlier this year.

    Italy has emphasised that the migrant boats represent a humanitarian crisis

    Meanwhile, Christian Kaunert, an expert in terrorism and refugee issues at Dundee University, said the risk of militants infiltrating migrant boats was "plausible - but whether it's absolutely credible is difficult to assess because by definition, when those boats come in, they go unnoticed".

    IS, which controls large parts of Iraq and Syria, has been active in recent months in Libya, exploiting a power struggle between rival groups after the fall of Col Muammar Gaddafi.

    It is believed that local militias are often active partners with the smugglers, while Libya's coastguard has admitted to the BBC that they cannot handle the volume of migrant boats and will only interfere if a boat runs into trouble.

    Rival groups in Libya

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