
  • (유럽/프랑스) BBC: 프랑스 노동문제: 올랑드 대통령 반대세력한테서 절대 물러서지 않겠다
    국제문제/유럽 2016. 5. 28. 00:53

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36395905

    France labour dispute: Hollande 'won't back down' over protests (back down: 물러서다, 물러나다, 후퇴하다, 양보하다)

    • 2 hours ago
    • From the sectionEurope
    Strikers outside the Donges oil depot, 27 May 2016Image copyrightAFP
    Image captionStrikers tried to block police outside the Donges oil depot in western France on Friday (oil depot: 석유 저장고)

    French President Francois Hollande says he will not back down over labour reforms after unions threatened to escalate protests over the changes. (escalate: 확대 증대하다)

    All but one of the union blockades at fuel depots have now been cleared, the authorities say. But shortages have caused long queues at petrol stations. (all but: 거의)

    "I will stay the course because I think these are good reforms," Mr Hollande said. (stay the course: 끝까지 버티다) (밝은 하늘: "이번 노동 개혁은 좋은 일이기 때문에, 난 끝까지 밀어부칠 것이다."고 말하는 올랑드도 누구(?)마냥 꼴통스럽구나.)

    However, Prime Minister Manuel Valls signalled they could be modified. 대통령은 강경한 입장이지만, 총리는 노동법의 일부를 수정할 여지를 남겨두었다. 

    Thursday saw many protest rallies across the country, with 77 protesters arrested and 15 police officers injured in clashes, although the union demonstrations were mainly peaceful.

    "Continue and step up the actions," eight unions said in a joint call after the day of action. (step up: 증가하다, 강화하다)

    Newspapers have reappeared after the CGT union stopped the presses of all but the pro-communist L'Humanite yesterday, when they refused to run an opinion piece by CGT leader Philippe Martinez.

    The BBC's Hugh Schofield in Paris says fuel supplies are now reaching petrol stations, but the unions are in no mood to ease off the protests.

    One fuel depot at Gargenville in the Paris region remained out of action because workers there were on strike, the government said.

    Media captionProtests in Paris turned violent as strikers picketed nuclear plants and ports elsewhere

    The wave of opposition is a major challenge for the Socialist government, which does not want to alienate many of its natural voters.

    Petrol shortages have been a particular problem in and around Paris and in southeastern France, TF1 said.

    Speaking on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Japan, President Hollande said: "Our primary duty... is to do everything to maintain the supply of fuel to the public and to continue to provide essential public services". (밝은 하늘: 통치자들은 이런 감미로운(?) 言辭로 우매한 국민들을 현옥시키곤 하지 않는가? 이런 언사가 바로 고도의 세련된 統治術 중 하나이다.)

    The CGT union is leading the action, supported by other unions including Force Ouvriere and Unef, whereas the more moderate CFDT union backs the labour reforms.

    One of the most controversial elements of the reform is Article Two, giving employers the right to negotiate changes to staff working time. Mr Valls said the article would not be amended. 가장 문제시되는 조항은 2조 고용주에게 근로자의 근로시간 변경을 타협할 수 있는 권한을 부여함. 그러나 총이른 이 조항은 변경될 수 없음을 천명함.

    Media captionPetrol panic buying: Impacts of French strike
    A protester faces police with a torch and a bouquet of flowers in Lyon, 26 MayImage copyrightAFP
    Image captionA protester confronted police with a torch and a bouquet of flowers in Lyon on Thursday

    Airport authorities say they have four to six days of fuel reserves left, but airlines have been asked not to fully refuel jets in France.

    The request means a jet on a Paris-London return flight would refuel in London.

    Fuel shortages have affected about 20% of France's petrol stations, TF1 said. Oil industry managers say they have deployed extra tanker crews, who will fill up in Belgium and Germany if necessary.

    France is due to host the Euro 2016 football championships next month.

    However, on 14 June, when French senators begin discussing the reform package, the unions plan to stage a "powerful national demonstration" in Paris.

    They said some 300,000 people took part in protest marches on Thursday, whereas the authorities put the total at 153,000.

    Grey line

    French labour reform bill - main points

    • The 35-hour week remains in place, but as an average. Firms can negotiate with local trade unions on more or fewer hours from week to week, up to a maximum of 46 hours
    • Firms are given greater freedom to reduce pay
    • The law eases conditions for laying off workers, strongly regulated in France. It is hoped companies will take on more people if they know they can shed jobs in case of a downturn
    • Employers given more leeway to negotiate holidays and special leave, such as maternity or for getting married. These are currently also heavily regulated

    A protester faces police with a bouquet of flowers in Lyon, 26 MayImage copyrightAFP
    Image captionThe violence marred an otherwise good-humoured protest in the eastern city
    Clashes between police and protesters in Bordeaux, 26 MayImage copyrightAFP
    Image captionClashes also erupted in Bordeaux in the south-west

    Are you in France? Are you planning to go there this weekend? Are you affected by the strike action? You can email haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk with your experiences.

    ** 기사에 대한 소감 **

    1. 국민의 생명과 안전을 보호해야 할 의무가 있는 국가가 나서서 행하는 자국민에 대한 테러와 폭력의 실체를 프랑스 정부와 올랑드 대통령은 여실히 보여주고 있다. 이것이 민주주의 국가에서 가능하단 말인가? 민주주의는 돈만 맹신하고 최고의 가치로 여기는 악마같은 자본주의에 의해 타락했다.

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