- 4 July 2016
- China
(중국) 중국 부패 혐의로 후진타오의 측근 링지화(令计划령계획) 투옥시키다국제문제/중국 2016. 7. 7. 19:27
출처: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-36703368
밝은 하늘: 이런 류의 기사를 접할 때마다, 전직 국가원수의 최측근까지 잡아들여서 감옥에 보내버리는 나라들이 참으로 부럽다. 물론 거기에는 정치적인 이유가 분명히 있겠다싶은데도 말이다. 동서고금을 막론하고, 부패고리를 끊어내지 않고는 어느 나라도 진정으로 잘 된 경우가 단 한 건도 없다. 부패한 정권이나 나라는 필히 패망의 길로 들어서는데도 불구하고, 당장은 아무 문제 없으니, 덮어버리고 무사안일로 일관하는 인간들의 뇌속엔 대체 뭐가 들어있는지 궁금할 뿐이다. 만사 제쳐놓고, 부패척결이 부국의 첫단계요, 민생을 편안하게 하는 첫 단추인 것이다.
Ling Jihua: China jails top Hu Jintao aide for corruption 중국 후진타오의 측근 링지화(令计划령계획) 부패 혐의로 감옥 가다
Ling Jihua's fall from grace came after reports he tried to cover up a scandal involving his son crashing a Ferrari An ex-aide to retired Chinese president Hu Jintao has been jailed for life for corruption, illegally obtaining state secrets and abuse of power. 링지화의 죄목 3가지: (1) 부패, (2) 불법으로 국가기밀 취득, (3) 권력남용.
Ling Jihua pleaded guilty and "decided not to appeal", state media reported. (plead guilty: 유죄를 인정하다)
Ling was in effect chief-of-staff to Mr Hu, but was demoted in 2012 amid a high profile anti-corruption campaign.
His downfall came after reports of an alleged cover-up over his son, who died alongside two semi-clad women while driving his Ferrari in Beijing in 2012. 링지화의 실각의 계기: 페라리 사건으로 불림. 2012년 아들이 북경에서 반나의 여성 2명을 태우고 페라리를 운전하다 죽은 사건을 덮어보려 했던 일. (반나체의: semi-clad)
There was also speculation that Ling's demotion may have been the result of political manoeuvring ahead of a leadership change that year. 실각에 대한 다른 설: 그 해 지도부 교체에 앞서 정치적 책략의 결과일지 모른다. (demotion: 좌천, 강등) (manoeuver/manoeuvre: 책략)
The court in the northern city of Tianjin held a closed-door hearing on 7 June, Xinhua reported.
Ling was convicted of taking $11.57m (£8.71m) in bribes and to have used his influence to secure property deals and promotions for his associates, among other favours, the state news agency said.
Descent from power
Until the scandal involving his son, Ling had been tipped for promotion to the party's Politburo.
Instead, he was moved from head of the Central Committee's General Office - in effect chief of staff to China's leader - and appointed to the less influential post of head of the United Front Work Department.
The identity of those inside the Ferrari was never revealed and censors blocked online comments mentioning the crash. Ling was accused of trying to cover up the scandal.
The authorities announced an investigation into him in late 2014, and he was expelled from the Communist Party and arrested in July 2015.
President Xi Jinping has overseen a campaign against corruption since coming to power in late 2012 and many high-profile political figures have been jailed.
Critics say President Xi's campaign is as much about eliminating political rivals as it is about tackling corruption.
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