
  • (아시아) 국제사법재판소 필리핀과 중국間 남중국해 분쟁 판결 예정
    국제문제/아시아 2016. 7. 12. 16:18

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-36767252

    South China Sea: Philippines and Beijing await court ruling 남중국해: 필리핀과 중국 국제사법재판소의 판결 기다리고 있다

    • 7 hours ago
    • From the sectionAsia

    Chinese dredging vessels are purportedly seen in the waters around Mischief Reef in the disputed Spratly IslandsImage copyrightREUTERS
    Image captionChina has accelerated construction on some disputed reefs

    An international tribunal is set to give a long-awaited ruling, with implications for China's controversial claims in the disputed South China Sea. 국제사법재판소가 논란이 많았던 남중국해가 중국영토라는 주장과 관련해 오랫동안 기다려온 판결을 내리게 된다.

    The case at the tribunal in The Hague was brought by the Philippines, which argues Chinese activity in the region is against international law. 헤이그의 국제사법재판소에 제소한 필리핀은 남중국해 안에서 중국이 벌이는 각종 활동은 국제법에 위배된다고 주장하고 있다.

    China claims about 90% of the South China Sea, including reefs and islands also claimed by others. 중국은 다른 나라들도 영유권을 주장하는 암초들과 섬들이 즐비한 남중국해의 90%를 자기네 영토라고 주장하고 있다.

    China says it does not recognise the tribunal and has refused to take part. 중국은 국제사법재판소를 인정하지 않으며 거기에 참여하지 않겠다고 말한다.

    The case is being decided by an arbitration tribunal under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which both countries have signed. 이 사안은 두 나라가 서명한 바 있는 유엔해양법협약 아래 중재재판소가 판결한다.

    Media captionThe BBC's Jonah Fisher explains the huge legal implications of how the disputed South China Seas islands are classified

    However, observers say the decision could favour the Philippines - and China risks reputational damage if it does not abide by it. (1) 판결의 첫째 후유증: 판결이 필리핀에 유리하게 나올 경우, 중국이 그 판결을 따르지 않으면 명예에 손상을 입게 된다.

    They also warn there is a risk that China could react aggressively to a ruling against it. (2) 판결의 둘째 후유증: 중국이 자국에 불리한 판결을 인정하지 않고 공격적으로 반응할 위험이 있다.

    The ruling is binding but the tribunal, the Permanent Court of Arbitration, has no powers of enforcement. (3) 판결의 셋째 후유증: 판결자체는 법적 구속력이 있으나, 중재위원회 자체는 법을 집행할 힘이 없다. (binding: 법적 구속력 있는)

    The US has sent an aircraft carrier and fighter jets to the region, prompting an angry editorial in the Global Times, a strongly nationalist state-run newspaper, calling for China to prepare for "military confrontation". 미국은, 시진핑의 군사적 대응을 보도한 국영신문 환구시보에 화가 나, 이 지역에 항공모함과 전투기를 파견하였다.

    Meanwhile, the Chinese Navy has been carrying out exercises near the disputed Paracel islands. 이런 동안, 중국해군은 파라셀 군도 근처에서 군사훈련을 실시하고 있다.

    South China Sea

    The tribunal has previously said it is the appropriate body to rule on at least seven of the 15 claims in the Philippines' case and was still considering the other eight. 재판소는 필리핀이 제소한 15가지 주장 가운데 최소한 7가지에 대해 판결을 내릴 수 있는 적법한 단체이며 그 밖에 8가지 주장에 대해서도 심리했다고 이전에 말한 바 있다.

    China has been trying to gather international support. Its diplomats have written a slew of articles setting out their government's position in English-language media around the world. 중국은 국제적 지지를 얻으려 애쓰고 있다. 자국의 외교관들이 전세계 영어 언론매체에 중국정부의 입장을 써보내고 있다.

    China says about 60 countries support its stance that the tribunal's ruling should be rejected, but few have declared their support publicly. 중국은 전세계 60개국이 국제사법재판소의 판결을 무시해야 한다는 자국의 입장을 지지하고 있고 그 중 일부 국가는 공개적으로 자국을 지지한다고 말한다.

    Chinese missile frigate Yuncheng launches an anti-ship missile during a military exerciseImage copyrightAP
    Image captionChinese ships have been on naval exercises ahead of the ruling

    What is the case about?

    PeopleImage copyrightREUTERS

    The Philippines brought a case in 2013 to the UNCLOS tribunal, contesting China's claims and activity in the South China Sea, saying that they were contrary to international law. It has accused China of interfering with fishing, dredging sand to build artificial islands, and endangering ships, among other claims.

    It also asked the tribunal to reject China's claims to sovereignty over waters within a "nine-dash line", the dotted boundary that claims as much as 90% of the South China Sea, that appears on official Chinese maps.

    What is the impact of its ruling?

    According to Bill Hayton, author of South China Sea: The struggle for power in Asia, a large part of the case is about asking the court to decide what specific land features in the area are, and therefore how much claim to territory each country has.

    • Low-tide elevations, or reefs, which are visible only at low tide, get no territorial waters,
    • Rocks, which are defined as anything above water at high tide regardless of size, get a 12-nautical mile limit of water around them
    • An island, which is able to "sustain human habitation or an economic life of its own", is given a 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone around it.

    Therefore, if the tribunal rules that nothing that China occupies in the Spratly Islands is a proper island, it will be unable to claim land rights of 200 nautical miles.

    Media captionThe BBC's John Sudworth went to track down the famed 600-year-old book

    Although the ruling is binding, the tribunal has no powers of enforcement. However, the ruling could set a precedent for similar cases in future. 국제사법재판소 판결의 의미: 이번 판결이 비록 법적 구속력은 없더라도 차후에 재차 발생할 수 있는 국가간 영토분쟁의 좋은 판례가 될 수 있다는 점.

    Will it make a difference?

    China has boycotted the tribunal, saying that the panel has no jurisdiction. It has already said it will not "accept, recognise or execute" the decision.

    Media captionChina's tours in disputed South China Sea

    However, if the ruling favours the Philippines, China could risk reputational damage and be portrayed as a country that ignores international law, perhaps leading to greater tensions between China and the Philippines, or the US, which has sent significant military assets to the area.

    The Philippines' new President Rodrigo Duterte has said his country is willing to share natural resources with Beijing in contested areas even if the tribunal rules in its favour.

    Mr Duterte has adopted a more conciliatory approach to China than previous president Benigno Aquino, and it remains to be seen how the ruling will affect the two countries' relations.

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