(중국) 任志强 (중문)국제문제/중국 2016. 3. 1. 00:34
출처: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BB%BB%E5%BF%97%E5%BC%BA 任志强维基百科,自由的百科全书任志强出生1951年3月8日(64歲) 中国山东省政党 中国共产党知名于华远集团总裁父母父任泉生任志强(1951年3月8日-),籍贯山东莱州,父亲..
(중국) Ren Zhiqiang(任志强) (영문)국제문제/중국 2016. 3. 1. 00:31
출처: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ren_Zhiqiang Ren Zhiqiang(任志强)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaRen Zhiqiang in 2012This is a Chinese name; the family name is Ren.Ren Zhiqiang (Chinese: 任志强; born 8 March 1951) is a retired Chinese real estate tycoon, a member of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and a..
(중국) 홍콩에서 실종된 사람 중국 TV에 나오다국제문제/중국 2016. 3. 1. 00:01
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-35685999 Missing Hong Kong booksellers paraded on Chinese TV3 hours ago From the sectionChinaImage captionGui Minhai appeared on Chinese TV in January appearing to confess to a drink driving incidentFour of the five missing Hong Kong booksellers have appeared on Chinese TV, saying they have been detained for "illegal book tradin..
(중국) 中國 바이두(百度) 앱에서 개인정보 유출국제문제/중국 2016. 2. 29. 23:21
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-35669817 Baidu apps found to be 'leaking' personal data 바이두(百度) 앱에서 개인정보 '유출'26 February 2016 From the sectionTechnologyImage copyrightReutersImage captionMany apps built with a Baidu created software kit do a poor job of protecting personal data, researchers have foundPersonal data is being collected and t..
(중국) 중국당국 습진평 주석 비판한 런 즈치앙(任志強)의 블로그 봉쇄국제문제/중국 2016. 2. 29. 22:39
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-35682030 China internet: Ren Zhiqiang's account blocked after Xi criticism 중국 인터넷: 습진평 주석을 비난했다는 이유로 任志強의 블로그 봉쇄28 February 2016 From the sectionChinaImage copyrightAPImage captionRen Zhiqiang has more than 30m followersChina has shut down the microblogging accounts of..
(중국/홍콩) 홍콩시민들 방송자막이 기존 번자체에서 대륙용 간자체로 바뀐 것에 분노국제문제/중국 2016. 2. 25. 15:06
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-35647861 Hong Kong outrage over Chinese subtitle switch 홍콩 시민들 중국어 자막변경에 분노하다24 February 2016 From the sectionChinaImage copyrightGetty ImagesImage captionTVB, whose mascot is seen here outside its building in Hong Kong, is the city's largest broadcasterHong Kong officials received more than 10,..
(중국) 중국에만 있는 여성전용 이슬람 사원국제문제/중국 2016. 2. 24. 17:54
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-35629565 Why does China have women-only mosques? 왜 중국에는 여성전용 이슬람 사원이 있는가?23 February 2016 From the sectionMagazineImage copyrightGetty ImagesIn today's MagazineThe people who want the UK's gun laws relaxedHow will 27 marathons affect Eddie Izzard?How it helps, in France, to have a bit of 'piston'How t..
(중국) 중국 공산당원의 결혼식과 장례식에 대한 새로운 지침국제문제/중국 2016. 2. 19. 19:06
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-35610194 Chinese Communist Party explains wedding and funeral rules 중국공산당 결혼식과 장례식에 대한 새로운 지침4 hours ago From the sectionChinaImage copyrightGetty ImagesImage captionElaborate wedding photoshoots are becoming popular among couples in ChinaChina's Communist Party this week set out the think..