사람되기/성장 141

(자아성장) Erik Erikson's 8 Stages of Psychosocial Development / Summary Chart (영문자료)

출처: http://web.cortland.edu/andersmd/ERIK/sum.HTML Erik Erikson's 8 Stages of Psychosocial DevelopmentSummary Chart StageAgesBasic ConflictImportant EventSummary1. Oral-SensoryBirth to 12 to 18 monthsTrust vs. MistrustFeedingThe infant must form a first loving, trustingrelationship with the caregiver, or develop a sense of mistrust.2.Muscular-Anal18 months to 3yearsAutonom..

사람되기/성장 2015.08.05

(자아성장/동영상) The Stages of Self Awareness 자기 알아차림의 단계 (영문자료)

출처: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DYv7pB6dnE The Stages of Self Awareness 게시일: 2013. 4. 4.learn more about what self awareness is here: http://www.embracingyourlifetoday.com... Today, I thought I would share the stages people go through as they develop greater self-awareness. This is really important to creating the changes that you really want to see in your life..

사람되기/성장 2015.07.30