아름다운 인생/비지니스
(비지니스) 카리스마 있는 상사는 도움이 되는가 방해가 되는가?아름다운 인생/비지니스 2015. 8. 19. 16:45
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-33977086 8 hours ago: August 19, 2015 Charismatic bosses: A help or a hindrance?By Peter DayGlobal business correspondent The late Steve Jobs of Apple was utterly charismatic but could also be impatient and irritable Charisma is one of those things that we are supposed to fall for and admire. God-given grace and charm is magical, not to..
(비지니스) 어떻게 고임금 CEO의 임금을 억제할 수 있을까?아름다운 인생/비지니스 2015. 8. 17. 18:56
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-32115785 31 March 2015 How can we curb 'fat cat' bosses' pay? 어떻게 고임금 CEO의 임금을 억제(깍을)할 수 있을까?By Howard MustoeBusiness reporter The average chief executive trousered £4.5m in 2013 - more than 160 times the pay of the average Briton, and up 5% from 2012. This research from the High Pay Centre is ..
(비지니스) 영국 최고경영자들과 평사원 사이 임금격차 183배아름다운 인생/비지니스 2015. 8. 17. 18:41
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-33952393 2 hours ago: August 17, 2015 Chief executives earn '183 times more than workers' (영국의) 최고경영자들은 평사원들보다 183배 더 많이 번다 FTSE 100 chief executives (CEO) earn on average 183 times more than a full-time worker, research suggests. A report by the High Pay Centre, a think tank which monitors in..
(비지니스/미국) 구글 알파벳이라는 이름의 회사로 재탄생아름다운 인생/비지니스 2015. 8. 14. 00:55
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-33857412 10 August 2015 Google unveils surprise restructuring under Alphabet 구글 알파벳이라는 이름의 회사로 재탄생 Google has unveiled a surprise restructuring, creating a new parent company called Alphabet Inc. Under the rebranding, Google will retain its best-known businesses, such as search, apps, YouTube and Androi..
(비지니스/중국) 중국 위안화 하락아름다운 인생/비지니스 2015. 8. 13. 19:45
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-33875061 12 August 2015 China's yuan currency falls for a second day Why has China devalued the yuan? China's Central Bank has again cut the guiding rate for the national currency, the yuan, a day after Tuesday's record 1.9% devaluation. The move sent fresh shockwaves through Asian markets, but the bank has sought to calm fears, saying ..
(비지니스) 유로 탈퇴의 기로에 선 그리스아름다운 인생/비지니스 2015. 7. 6. 15:55
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-33404011 Greece on verge of euro exit The Greek prime minister says he does not want a rupture with Europe but he may not be able to avoid a rupture with the euro. It was striking that Alexis Tsipras echoed the words of a top banker to whom I spoke today when warning that the European Central Bank's [ECB] decision to freeze emergency le..
(비지니스) 컴퓨터에서 나오는 열로 난방하기아름다운 인생/비지니스 2015. 5. 22. 12:45
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-32816775 21 May 2015 Heating houses with 'nerd power' 컴퓨터에서 나오는 열로 난방하기By William KremerBBC World Service All computers produce heat, but computer servers produce a lot of heat - so much that it usually costs a fortune to cool them down. So why isn't this heat used instead to keep homes or offices warm? Actua..
(비지니스) 실리콘 벨리의 데이브 골드버그 운동사고로 사망아름다운 인생/비지니스 2015. 5. 7. 16:10
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-32586657 5 May 2015 Silicon Valley's Dave Goldberg died after gym accident 실리콘 밸리의 데이브 골드버그 운동사고로 사망 The Silicon Valley entrepreneur and SurveyMonkey chief executive Dave Goldberg died of severe head trauma, according to local officials. 지역 관리들에 따르면, 실리콘 벨리의 기업가..