<파워포인트>말레이시아 친구의 크리스마스 카드아름다운 인생/종교 2010. 12. 24. 16:51
말레이시아 친구가 보내온 크리스마스 카드
May we feel, all the more, the compassion for the needy, the hungry, the refugees, the victims and the imprisoned children.
May we be strengthen in our commitment to the ideals of love and justice and dedication to saving people and the planet from injustice and harm.
May we be inspired, all the more, by the ideals that Jesus placed before us,
May we all be motivated to act for justice and to change the world.
AndyC-ChristmasCard2010.ppsx0.14MB'아름다운 인생 > 종교' 카테고리의 다른 글
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