(과학기술) 할 일 다 한 후 인터넷 하게 해주는 로우터과학과 테크놀로지/테크놀로지 2014. 7. 3. 17:56
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-28125336
2 July 2014 Last updated at 15:28
Kudoso router only allows internet access after chores 할 일 다한 후 인터넷 하게 해주는 쿠도소 로우터
Kudoso only allows internet access when the chores are done 쿠도소 로우터는 아이들이 자기 할 일을 다했을 때만 인터넷을 사용할 수 있게 해준다.
A router that only allows internet access after household chores have been completed is being developed in the US.
Kudoso allows parents to set a list of tasks that unlock minutes to be used online.
The device's makers hope to eventually incorporate fitness apps into the system to reward children who regularly exercise.
One parenting expert told the BBC she thought the technology "seems a bit over the top".
Parenting author Judy Reith, who runs parentingpeople.co.uk, said concern was growing about internet use.
"I've interviewed a lot of parents," she said.
"The number one worry is technology, and that's not going to go away any time soon."
But she added: "The business of this special router doing that for you seems a bit over the top for me.
"A parent's voice does carry a lot of power even if the parents don't feel it does. They should set up firm but fair rules about all kind of things, including internet usage."
Mrs Reith said as well as monitoring children's internet use, it was important parents considered their own as well.
Developer Rob Irizarry is trying to raise money on crowdfunding site Kickstarter to support the project, which has been in development for 18 months.
"Parents today are faced with a dilemma about how to manage the amount of time their kids spend on the internet and the content they are exposed to," the Kickstarter appeal page says.
Chores earn "currency" that can be spent to get internet time 아이들은 해야할 일을 함으로써 벌어들인 "가상돈" 만큼 인터넷을 할 수 있게 된다.
"Kudoso lets your children earn points - by doing chores, studying or even exercising - that allow them to access the internet sites you approve for blocks of time that you define."
By carrying out the chores, children will earn currency that can be "spent" accessing websites.
Parents can set which websites are more "expensive". For example, the same amount of currency could allow for 30 minutes on an educational site, but only 10 minutes on an entertainment page.
Mr Irizarry said his technology was more effective than current projects on the market due to the fact it blocked internet access into the home completely, rather than just using software that must be installed on each device - and could be circumvented by particularly enterprising children.
As well as being sold as a pre-installed router, Kudoso will also be available as software to be installed on a range of routers from other manufacturers.
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