
  • (아시아/캄보디아) 캄보디아 프로파일: (1) 개관
    국제문제/동남아 2014. 9. 14. 01:35

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-pacific-13006539

    9 July 2014 Last updated at 16:46

    Cambodia profile 캄보디아 프로파일

    (1) Overview 개관

    Cambodia is benefiting from two decades of relative stability, having endured civil war and the murderous rule of the Khmer Rouge. 캄보디아는 크메르 루즈의 살인적 통치와 내전를 겪은 후 20년간 상대적인 안정을 누리고 있다.

    As it attempts to end its dependence on foreign aid, the country's economic potential and natural resources are drawing foreign investment - especially from China and neighbouring Vietnam. 캄보디아는 외국원조에 대한 의존을 끝내려 노력하고 있고, 캄보디아의 경제적 잠재력과 자연자원이 외국투자 특히 중국과 이웃나라 베트남으로부터 투자를 이끌어내고 있다. 

    Garment-making is the biggest industry, employing around half a million people and accounting for 80% of exports. Tourism is expanding, and Cambodia hopes to tap into offshore oil and gas reserves. 의류제조업이 최대 산업이다. 제조의류 80%를 수출하고 있고 50만명이 일하고 있다. 관광산업은 증대되는 상황이고, 해저석유와 (매장된)가스(매장량)를 시추할 의지를 갖고 있다.

    The Bayon Temple at Angkor is one of many monuments testifying to the power and wealth of the ancient Khmer Empire 앙코르에 있는 바욘 사원은 고대 크메르 제국의 힘과 부를 증명하는 많은 기념비 중에 하나이다.

     At a glance 한 눈에 보기

    • Politics 정치: Cambodia became a a multi-party democracy in 1993, but opponents accuse long-serving Prime Minister Hun Sen of heading a violent and authoritarian system. King Norodom Sihamoni plays an important symbolic role. 1993년에 캄보디아는 다당제 민주주의가 되었으나, 야당과 반대자들은 장기 집권하는 훈센총리가 폭력적이고 권위적인 시스템을 펼치고 있다고 비난한다.
    • Economy 경제: The garment industry is dominant, but tourism and hydrocarbons are expanding sectors. 의류산업이 막강하고, 관광산업과 탄화수소는 커지고 있는 분야이다. 
    • International 국제관계: Ties with Thailand have been strained by a long-running border dispute. 태국과의 관계가 오랫동안 끌어온 국경분쟁으로 인해 경색되어 있다.

    However, corruption is deep-rooted and Cambodia is still one of the world's poorest countries, with around one third of people living on less than one dollar per day.

    Most of the workforce is employed in subsistence farming. The Mekong River provides fertile, irrigated fields for rice production. The government in 2012 approved the controversial Sesan 2 dam project to boost hydroelectric power on the river.

    Of late, land concessions and forced evictions have sparked social unrest. Many thousands of people have been displaced as the government has granted land to companies who are keen to exploit resources such as rubber, sugar and minerals. Confrontations between locals and the authorities are commonplace.

    Meanwhile, years of widespread illegal logging have led to a rapid decline in Cambodia's forest cover. International watchdog Global Witness says top officials are involved in the trade.

    The powerful Khmer Empire once included parts of present-day Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. The imposing temple complex at Angkor, built between the ninth and 13th centuries by Khmer kings, is a UN heritage site and a big draw for visitors.

    Legacy of conflict

    The fate of Cambodia shocked the world when the radical communist Khmer Rouge under their leader Pol Pot seized power in 1975 after years of guerrilla warfare.

    In pursuit of a rural utopia, the Khmer Rouge abolished money and private property and ordered city dwellers into the countryside to cultivate the fields.

    Up to two million people died, many from exhaustion or starvation, while others were tortured and executed, until an Vietnamese-led invasion ended Khmer Rouge rule in 1979.

    A UN-backed tribunal aims to bring those responsible for the "killing fields" to justice. So far, only one senior Khmer Rouge figure - former prison head Kaing Guek Eav, or Comrade Duch - has been convicted.

    Unexploded landmines from Cambodia's civil war, in which Vietnamese fighters and US forces were also embroiled, continue to kill and maim civilians, despite an ongoing de-mining drive.

    Angkor Wat is one of the main temples in the ancient capital of Angkor

    More recently, tensions along a disputed stretch of the Cambodian-Thai border have stoked skirmishes between the two countries' militaries.

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