(아시아/홍콩) 홍콩 데모: 경찰 삼합회 멤버들 체포국제문제/아시아 2014. 10. 4. 20:36
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-29488002
4 October 2014 Last updated at 07:42
Hong Kong protests: Police arrest 'triad gang' members 홍콩 데모: 경찰 삼합회 멤버들 체포
Protesters "feel they are under attack from thuggish elements, potentially triads", reports Carrie Gracie 시위대는 "삼합회와 같은 폭행 요소들로 부터 공격당할 지 모른다는 위협을 느낀다"고, 캐리 그래이시는 전한다
Police in Hong Kong have arrested 19 people, including suspected members of triad gangs accused of attacking pro-democracy protesters. 홍콩 경찰은 민주화 시위에 참여한 사람들을 공격한 삼합회 멤머들로 보이는 19명을 체포했다.
The scuffles on Friday led to the postponement of talks between the demonstrators and the government. 금요일의 실강이들로 인해 시위대와 정부간의 대화를 지연시켰다.
Police officers deny claims that they have colluded with those who used violence against the demonstrators. 경찰간부들은 시위대에게 폭력을 행사한 사람들과 한통속이라는 점을 부인했다.
Activists are protesting against plans by China to vet election candidates and have been occupying parts of the city. 활동가들은 중국정부가 입후호자를 조사하겠다는 계획에 저항하고 있으며 홍콩 도시의 일부를 점거하고 있다.
Hong Kong's leader earlier this week offered talks to defuse the situation in China's special administrative region. 홍콩의 최고 지도자는 이번 주 초에 중국의 특별 행정구에서 벌어진 상황을 진정시키기 위한 대화를 제안했다.
But the clashes broke out as people apparently angry with the disruption caused by the protests tried to dismantle tents and barricades. 그러나 시위대가 초래한 혼란에 화가난 사람들이 데모대의 텐트와 바리케이드를 해체하면서 서로간에 충돌이 발생했다.
On Saturday morning the atmosphere on the streets was calm despite some tense scenes on the edges of the protests. 일요일 아침, 비록 시위대 일각에선 긴장국면이 보였음에도, 거리의 분위기는 조용했다.
'Broken promise' '약속의 파기'
On Friday, the Hong Kong Federation of Students, which was invited to negotiations with the government, said in a statement it had "shelved" the talks. A time and place for the negotiations had never been confirmed. 금요일, 정부와의 협상테이블에 초대되었던 홍콩학생연합회는 협상을 보류하기로 했다고 성명서에서 밝혔다.
Some people were led away by police from protest sites 일부 사람들이 경찰에 의해 쫓겨나다
The atmosphere on Saturday is reportedly calm, with many protesters resting on the streets 토요일의 분위기는 많은 시위참가자들이 길바닥에서 휴식을 취했지만 조용한 편이었다
Opponents of the protest surrounded an activists' tent in Mong Kok 민주화 시위에 반대하는 사람들이 몽콕에 있는 활동가들의 텐트를 에워싸고 있다
"The government allowed the mafia to attack peaceful Occupy participants. It has cut off the path to a dialogue, and should be responsible for the consequences," it said. 학생연합회는 "정부측이 평화적인 시위참여자들을 공격하도록 깡패들을 동원했다. 그리고 대화의 길을 막아버렸으므로, 그 결과를 책임져야 한다."고.말했다.
It was not clear whether the statement reflected the position of other groups involved in the protest.
Occupy Central leader Benny Tai told the BBC they were still only considering a boycott of the talks. However, he said police were not protecting the demonstrators against attacks by their opponents and this situation could not continue.
"It's very, very difficult to maintain any sense of dialogue if the government does not stop these things happening to peaceful protesters," he said.
There was no immediate response from the government to the postponement.
Occupy Central leader, Benny Tai: "It is difficult to have dialogue if there is violence against peaceful protesters" 평화적인 시위에 폭력이 동원된다면, 대화하기가 쉽지 않다고, <중심가를 점령하라>시위 주동자 벤니 타이는 말한다
But at a news conference on Friday night, police gave their account of events.
They denied accusations by the protesters that they had acted in concert with forces trying to break up the protest.
They said that among the 19 people arrested eight had "triad backgrounds", referring to local criminal gangs.
Their very presence there is a reminder that not everyone in Hong Kong is on the side of the protesters, the BBC's Martin Patience in Hong Kong says.
At least some of the protesters' opponents appear to be local residents angered by the disruption.
"I don't support Occupy Central. We have to work and make money. Occupy is just a game," said a construction worker who gave his name as Mr Lee, quoted by AFP news agency.
"We Hong Kongers need to eat!" another said.
'Doomed to fail' '실패하고 말거야'
At the heart of the row is how Hong Kong elects its next leader. In August, Beijing imposed tight rules on nominations for candidates wanting to stand for election.
The protesters say this move means that the polls will fall short of the free elections they are seeking.
Several days into their week-long demonstrations, the protesters added the demand that Chief Executive CY Leung step down.
The central government in Beijing has thrown its full support behind Mr Leung, calling the protests illegal and "doomed to fail".
Hong Kong democracy timeline 홍콩 민주화 약력
- 1997: UK gives Hong Kong back to China under a 1984 agreement giving it "a high degree of autonomy" for 50 years 50년 동안 "높은 자율성"을 보장한다는 1984년 맺은 협약에 의해 영국이 중국에게 홍콩 반환함.
- 2004: China says it must approve any changes to Hong Kong's election laws 중국은 홍콩의 선거법에 대한 변화를 승인해야 한다고 말함.
- June-July 2014: Pro-democracy activists hold an unofficial referendum on political reform; both sides hold large rallies 민주주의 활동가들이 정치개혁에 대한 비공식적 국민투표를 실시했다; 찬반양측은 대규모집회를 열었다
- 31 August 2014: China says it will allow direct elections in 2017 but will pre-approve candidates 중국정부는 2017년 직접선거를 보장하겠으나 사전에 입후보자들을 가려낼 것이라고 밝혔다
- 22 September 2014: Student groups launch a week-long boycott of classes 학생들이 1주간의 수업거부를 전개
- 28 September 2014: Occupy Central and student protests join forces and take over central Hong Kong <중심가를 점령하라>와 학생시위대가 힘을 합쳐 홍콩 중심가를 접수함
- 2017: Direct elections for chief executive due to take place 홍콩 총통 직선
- 2047: Expiry of current agreements 현 협약의 종료
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